We have studied the meaning of several movements for peace and non-violence, we have tried to analyze the ethical background of these movements.
Now, we are going to watch the famous speech that Martin Luther King offered in Washington: “I have a dream”. You can read the whole text of the speech here, M.L.King_I have a dream, and you can also watch the youtube documents that is has attached. (With subtitles in spanish)
After that, you are asked to write a short essay, in euskara and in English, and write it on the blog. You should offer your opinion about M.L.King, about his work for the afro-americans’ rights and about non-violence, from an ethical point of view. Thanks a lot.
Lucia Larrañaga Alegre dio
It is a pity that this kind man has ended that way. He only wanted equality for humanity, he respected those of his race as much as everyone else. He had a dream that in the future everyone could be the same without making any kind of disdain for those with dark skin. He was a good man and asked for something that would be better for everyone, and that’s what he said in his speech.
Because even just hearing it sounds unpleasant that even on the buses there were different seats for people of different color and that one day they would have tortured a dark-skinned woman to sit on the side of the white people because their side was full and there was no room.
Usman Ali dio
Martin Luther King’s video talks about racism. It indicates how things would be if everything improved, putting him in the capitol. Also, the injustices of blacks and how they are treated. But thanks to King, discrimination was reduced in many countries and he was able to get rid of blacks. This brought great satisfaction, however, as discrimination continued, but to a lesser extent.It seems to me that what King did is of great value. He gave his opinion in front of thousands and thousands of people and most of them took it very well.
He deserved to be given the peace novel and he got it. I find him a very important character and hope not to be lost throughout history.
Denali Martinez dio
Martin Luther King-en bideoak arrazakeriari buruz hitz egiten du. Gauzak nola egongo ziren dena hobetuko bazen adierazten du, bera kapitolioan jarrita. Baita ere, beltzen injustiziak eta nola tratatzen dituzten. Baina King-eri esker, diskriminazioa gutxitu egin zen herrialde askotan eta beltzen botatzeko eskubidea lortu zuen. Horrek poztasun handia ekarri zuen, hala ere, diskriminazioak jarraitzen zuen, baina gutxiago.
Iruditzen zait King-ek egin zuena balio handia daukala. Bere iritzia eman zuen milaka eta milaka pertsonen aurrean eta oso ondo hartu zuten gehienak.
Bakearen nobela ematea merezi zuen eta lortu zuen. Oso pertsonaia garrantzitsua iruditzen zait eta espero ez galtzea historian zehar.
Iker Etxeberria dio
It is a shame that this man had ended in that way. His objective was the equality for all the humans, he respected everyone. He had a dream, it was that everyone in the future could be the same without making any kind of disdain to those who had dark skin.
He asked for something which would be better for everyone, that appears in his speech. One day, a black women how sat on the white’s side, because there was no place in the other side, then she was tortured. That was because in the buses where different places for black and white persons.
Maddi Calero dio
M.L. King´s message was that his dreamt will do posible in the future and is that the black people will took part in the election. But this idea take a lot os time and they had to work together and they will got it. A lot of people got together with him but lot of people didnt think the same and there are the white people and they had lot of armamet and militars so they had lots of problems. His speech put a lot of people were agree with him.
In lot of years they were foughting but finally they got that dream.
Aitor Santana dio
Martin luther king oso pertsona garrantzitsua da gaur egungo Estatu Batuen historioan berak lortu bai zuen Estatu batuetan pertsona beltzek boto eskubidea edukitzea.
Gainera Estatu batuetako presidentea isatera iritsi zen baina hil egin zen tirokatuta,
hitzaldi oso garrantzitsua eman zuen washingtonen eta Estatu Batuen historiora pasa zen hitzaldi horretan zenbait esaldi garrantzitsu esan zituen I HAVE A DREAM eta IS THE ONLY WAY.
Lara Martin dio
We have listened to the speech that Martin Luther King said at the Washington Capitol. It is sad that blacks continue to suffer injustice but thanks to King, discrimination diminished in the most racist states. He got the right to black vote to come true.
His way of fighting against the government is very inspiring, he never used violence and he always tried to solve all the problem in a ethical way.
He has a dream, where the equality is important to live, where all the people has the same rights and where the black has the freedom that white humans had a long time ago.
I think that he has been a heroe for the humanity in this planet. I really like the his way to think and fight to beat all the injustices that this world already has.
Ander Arambarri dio
I think Martin Lurther king Jr did a great job for the black people rights. He was a politician but he spent all his life helping other people until he was killed in 1968. he protested against the goverment but in a pacific way he had never used the violence he had only used the words. The speech in front of capitoly is the thing that most people remember from him with sentences like “Is the only way” or “I have a dream” .
Iker Maldonado dio
Hitzaldia beltzen buruzko eskubideei buruz zijoan.beltzak ezaten zuen denak berdinak izan behar giñatekeela eta dena berdina edukitzea.diskurtso onetan bukaeran esaten duena da denak berdinak izan behar gardera.
Mitxel Alkorta dio
Martin Luther King wanted black people to have the same rights the white people have. He made a big effort and after a lot of threatens by the CIA, who tried to break his marriage, but his wife believed in him. He fought all over his life for black people and black people fought for him.
He was killed five years later the black people could vote in ellections.
Ali el Jamay dio
In my opinion Martin Luther king contributed in a lot of diferent things. He said the truth about that days when the black people was discriminated. In the speech he defend that all the people in the world need to have the same rights, no matter what color you were. He helped a lot of people with his fight. he also wanted to get the rights without violence and i think that he was a brave person for doing that.
Joritz Astigarraga dio
Martin luther Kingenk hitzaldi bat eman zuen . Hitzaldi hartatan pertsona beltzen eskubideak defendatu zituen behin eta berriz. Martin Luther Kingnek zion Estatu Batuetan pertsona beltzak eta pertsona zuriak guztiak berdinak izan behar zutela eta eskubide berdinak eduki behar zituztela. Hitzaldi hartan bertan esan zuen ametsak zituela, Alabama, Mississipi eta hegoaldeko herrialde guztiak petsona beltzak duintasunez tratatu hau da pertsona zuriak bezala. Martin Luther Kingek hitzaldi hau eman eta bost urtera hil egin zuten 39 urte zituela, estatuak aginduta beltzentzako eskubide gehiago eskatzen jarraitzen zuelako.
Leire Aldalur dio
Martin Luther King Jr. was and is a very inspiring person, because he wanted to achieve the equality between black and white people. The best part of it was that he didn’t use the violence as a way to get the equality, but he achieved it by speaking and giving speeches.
This made people think about what was going on, and he encouraged people to help them get the equality they wanted. His most important speech was the one he gave at the capitol of Washington, called “I have a dream”. Sadly, he got murdered because of his thoughts.
That’s why is a person who deserves being respected. Nowadays, Luther King can be considered as one of the most important inspirational persons. From my point of view, what he did was really meaningful, and I can say that I agree with him, because everyone deserves being respected, it doesn’t matter what skin colour you are.
Arantzazu Hernandez dio
Martin luter king estatu batua da eta beltzak botak botatu laiket eta martin luter king lehedakariak hitzeitea juen da eta lasterketa txuriarekin billera heukitzen ditu. zubitik pazatzen ditu
Manu Sanchez dio
In my point of view, Martin Luther King helped so much defending black people´s rights with his speeches. His most famous words were ”I have a dream” and ”The time is now”, and with this words, he made black people to think about the opression that the afro-americans were suffering and to do something to fix it, specially in the south. Although he wanted to be respected, he wanted to get the rights without violence; and that is what made him a wonderful person. I think that without violence you can achieve a lot of things, and Martin Luther King is a prove of it
June Larrañaga dio
Martin Luther King was a black man who only wanted to defend black people’s rights. He fight against the discrimitation to black people. In that moment these people weren’t able to vote, enter to shops…
People from different contry went to support Martin. They made demonstrations to get de equality of humanity. de
Unfortunatelly Martin was killed.
I think we still have a lot to do. Nowadays black people suffer this tipe of discrimination.
Ainhoa Espinoza dio
Martin Luther King is like God for black people in America, United States. He is the one who fought, next to other black people, for the rights of black people. He was a very good man. He just wanted the best for the next generation. To have equality between black and white people. M.L King had a dream, that in the future everyone could play, talk, go for a walk… or basically do anything together, as brothers and sisters.
He gave this speech in front of the capitolium in Washington. A lot of people from different places and countries of the world, black and white, children and adult, boys and girls. He made people reconsider their way of thinking. And in the end black people got the right to vote for their rights as human being.
My idea of all this, is that he was a big and kind man. Who put others before him. Thanks to him, people in America have the right to vote. Just by thinking how the black people lived, is unbelievable. They even had different seats on buses for black and white people.
The conclusion that I have about all this is that, no matter where you are from or where you are going, whats your skin colour… that we have to learn to respect everyone. And that one day their will be pace in the world.
Enara Salgado dio
Martin Luther King was a priest. He really wanted the equiality for humanity. He fighted until the end to get that, exactly to black people be able to vote free and without any problems.
He really hated the injustice, and he had a really important dream: that in a future everybody could be the same in front the law becouse we all are people and we all have to have the same laws and rights.
He tried and tried again until he got it. Sadly, he was killed 3 years after he got it, but his name still beeing in our mouths becouse he is a really important referent.
Maite Epelde dio
The message of M.L.King is part of the history of America. Black people from South America fight for their rights to vote. Martin made a speech in Washington DC and a lot of people went there. They all were fighting aobout their rights. King said that he had a dream where all people in the world will live with each other in peace and black people will get the right to vote. He wanted to end the racism. After this speech and much time fighting they got the right to vote. Unfortunately, M.L.King were killed 5 years later.
He done a very good job. People around the world made their mind about what was happening and they started to help black people. Now we can’t go back, we have to follow fighting for more rights. One day, there will be peace in the world.
Fatima Hamou dio
“I have a dream” words highlighted by Martin Luther King, defender of civil rights.
The long struggle of black Americans to achieve a goal of voting in elections.
Her dream was to have the people black the same rights, oportunites , laws like the whaites.In the first the situation to conbate was difficult like war althaught that he conbate the word and the people who do not need that .
He is a brave and daring person. And very smart for not using violence.
Naroa Aranguren dio
He only wanted equality for humanity, he respected those of his race os much as everyone else. He had a dream that in the future everyone could be the same without making any kind of disdain for those dark skin. He was a good man and he cared about them. But the fight about the discrimitation was very difficult because the CIA threated him. But finaly he got it.
And he was killed five years later
Oier Agirretxea dio
It was such a huge injustice that the white American people did not allow black skin people to inscribe for voting. Until Martin Luther King Jr. started to try to make a change in the Americans thinking, the whole country was an incredible disbalance in favour of the white skin people. MLK Jr wanted to change that and make an unthinkable effort nobody did it before. the army didnt let him at the beggining, there were some fights that white militar people won them easily and, unfortunately, a lot of people ended hurt. Finally, MLK JR achieved the rights of vote. Some years later, Martin Luther King Jr was killed, but his effort has been recognised and will never be forgotten.
Eire Gomez dio
M.L.King only wanted equality for humanity. He had a dream that in the future everyone could be the same without making any kind of disdain for those with dark skin. He was a good man and asked for something that would be better for everyone, and that is what he said in his speech.
In that speech lot of peolpe were agree with him. He achieved what he wanted. In lot of yeras they were fougthing but finally they got it. He fougth a lo for his dream and that gave him to the death.
Maria Etxaniz dio
Martin Luther King was a priest, he only wanted the equality for humanity. He said that black children and white children would have to play together and had opportunities together.
He had a dream, that in the future everyone could be the same without using any kind of violence with those with dark skin. A dream that all black people could breath the same changes, the same opportunities, the same laws us white people.
They only want resolve speaking and white people convert the problem in violence.
He tried and tried to get the human right to vote and they protest until white people allowed them.
Aissa Amamou dio
It is so sad how this honorable, brave and courageuos man’s life story ended. Martin Luther King Jr is one of the most important man who had put his legs in the earth planet, the reason of why we should take him like an example is that he gave his life for his race. He tried all the possible solutions to resolve the biggest problem of the United States, racism. White people felt superior to blacks and whites had the right of vote, we couldnt say the same about the blacks.
But Martin Luther king reached his dream and rights between the races we equaled.
Federico Ayuso dio
M.L.King represent the rights of black people in this speech M.L. King he want to the and black and white have a good trato. Because he wants an American with a great nation.
that was her dream.
Javier Lete dio
Arthur Luther King did a speech about the diferences of white and black mans. One of the reason that nowadays black and white mans have the same rights is that speech. Arthur Luther King fought in favour of black people but whitout violence and this speech is a example of that, he repeated a lot of times that they didn’t have to use violence. “I have a dream, that one day, all, white mans and black mans could live like brothers and sisters” that was a very famous sentence that he said in that speech.
I think this speech is a very important thing to the history of the world becouse it defend the rights of every black mans.
Jakes Agirrezabal dio
Marthin Luther king was a man that wanted the rights for the black skined people and finally, despite they shot him after he gave his discussion he made it. He was a very pacifist man, he never use and would use the violence. He in the speech use very appropiate words to defend the rights of the blacks. He wanted to abolish the slavery of the blacks. He died 5 years later of this speech.
Xabier Larrañaga dio
This man, Martin Luther King, made this speech for the equality between the blacks and the whites. In his speech, he said that he want something that would be good or better for everyone. Also, he made this speech because there were different seats for people with different colour in stations, buses, bathrooms… And if you sat down in a different place, they punished you. This speech is one of the most important moment of the world.
I think that the idea of this man is a brilliant idea for equality but it is painful to do this because the equality had to be without doing this.
Aimar Garate dio
Martin lutherrek nahi zuena bakarrik zen gizartearekiko berditasuna. Esaterako beltzek txurien berdintasun igualak edukitzea. Baita nahi zuen danontzat errespetua. Gainera esaten du amets bat duela denak igualak garela berdintasuna dagoela baita errespetua dagoela denen artean. Esaten zuten oso gizon ona zela eta askoz hobea izango zela hitzaldian esan zuena eta gero. Baita autobuseko eserlekuak kolores aldatu ziren.
In my opinion, it was a very important person for both the speech and for the other things, but in the speech, he would become a very good and important person. Equally, what he wanted was equality and respect among all and equality between blacks and whites.
Yassine Hammou dio
Mr King wanted freedoms for everyone and made many demonstrations for his dream. The black deaths of the future were also thankful for the vote to give their vote.
Mr King was killed after obtaining the right to vote.
Iñaki Pablos dio
It’s a shame this guy finished like that. He only wanted a balanced humanity where the black people and the white people have the same rights.
In my opinion Martin was very brave, because in those years there were a lot of injustices and he was in the crosshairs of all. A lot of people wanted to kill him so he was all time in dangerous. He got his reward, he got what he proposed.
THe injustice was very huge that when he said his speech, he was killed by racist people. I think M. L. King has been one of the most importan person in the black people history
Aimar Platero dio
I think that was a piy that Martin Luther King has ended as he did after all good actions he had done in favour of his black brothers trying to get the rights to vote.
Lots of people had been hitter and some of them killed only for supporting what Luther King said. He gave a speech in 1963, the famous speech of ”I have a dream” and in 1968 he was murdered. In my opinion he should not have been killed becaus he was a person that wanted to find the peace between the black and white people.
Aroa Iraola dio
Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who fought against the government and all the white people. He fought to get the right of vote, to get that he did not use violence, he protested without violence and he wanted to finished with the racism between the withe anlos niños eran apartadosd the black people. los niños eran apartadoslos niños eran apartados
He wanted to finished with the indifferences. For example in the busses where dlllos niños eran apartadosos niños eran apartadosos niños eran apartadoslos niños eran apartadosifferent seat for black and white people, the black boys and girls where separated. They llos niños eran apartadosos niños eran apartadosdid not have the same rights like the white people. The answer of the government in front of this manifestations was that they had to start working. But to start working they needed the right to vote wich the did not have.
The only thing that M.L. King Jr. wanted was to get the equality between the Negro and the white people.
M.L. King Jr. was killed in 1968, five years later. And nowadays he is remember like the hero of the Negros.
Jokin Aizpuru Soraluce dio
To start with, Marthin Luther King was a man that wanted the rights for the black skined people and finally, despite they shot him after he gave his discussion he made it, he got the rights for the black skined people. He wanted black children play with the white children.
He tried and worked hard to achieve his dream and finally, he achieved it.
In my opinion, he was a good man that couldn stand to live in a society that his rights were different because his skin was different from the other people so he tried to change that so I agree with him in his decisions and I think that he made a big progress on the society and has more merit because he achieved his dream without violence and I would do the same.
Amina Hammou dio
Martin Luther King was an incredible man from my point of view, because he saved a lot of poor people who hadn´t any rights and were really bad treated in America, so he couldn’t see more things like this happening in his country. Then he decided to start fighting again racism because he saw that in his country the situation was very bad and the negros couldn’t vote.
At first he didn’t get what he wanted but he didn’t give in his fight, and a lot of more people both, black and white joined him in his fight.
M.L.King made a lot of speeches to show to the people what was happening in America and what were the negros suffering all that years. Thanks to that speeches a lot of humans decided to help the negros in all that suffering.
In 1968 M.L.King was killed by someone and i think that he dindn´t deserve all that suffer in his death because he was a really good man and he made a lot of things for the poor people and he get to break free all the negros.
Alicia Ramos dio
Martin Luther King was a man who wanted the equality for all the people with out looking at the color of the skin. In the speech he explained his dreams that one day all the people will be acepted and all the persons will have the same rigths, they never used the violence.
Irene Mateos dio
M.L.King fought against racism and wanted to achieve the right to vote for the Negro people. For that he used methods that didn´t involve violence: he did speaches to Negro people trying to encourage them to fight for their rights and he spoke to the president several times trying to convince him to help them. He was a religious person and he thought that all people, white and black, were equal and had to have the same rights, because God created them equally. After a lot of work, suffering and effort he got what he wanted and what every Negro people wanted: the right to vote and freedom, in 1963.
But, in 1968, he was killed by someone. He will always be remembered as a hero.
Ouassila Hajji dio
Martin made a speech in Washington in front of a lot of people speaking about the life of black people and that we have to change and treat everyone equally. 5 years later they kill Martin.
Sara Bastida dio
This kind of situations are so unfair. Martin was a very good man and he did lot of things to made all the rights of human people same for everyone.
Each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity. Martin, didn´t think with himself in any instant. He always wanted the best for everyone and specifically for those with black skin. He made lots of protest to ask for the right ofthe vote, which in that time, black skin people didn´t have.
We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings.
Ruben Amaro dio
This is a exemplary person becouse he made a lot for the people like him and he showed tha we don’t have to use violence to get what we want.All the people have the rights to have a vote an live in freedom undependently the colour of the skin.
Garazi Salas dio
This speech has become one of the most important historic moments of the world. Martin Luther King fought for the rights of black people. He reunited thousands of people in Washington to speak about the situation that black people had lived. “But one hundrer years later, the Negro is still not free” is a phrase that he repeated lots of times. He wanted to emphasize the importance of iguality between black and white people. A big amount of people died only because they were black. One of the most important things that Luther King says in the speech is that He has a dream. “I have a dream, that one day… One day my children will not be judged just because of their skin colour. I have a dream lots of dreams.
From my point of view, this is an historic moment. Everyone has the same rights, even if they are black. Even if they are white. We shouldn’t take into account the appearance of the people. They have reached lot of things, but this hasn’t still finished. There is a lot to do.
Markel Albizuri dio
M.L.King was an ispiration of all the people to challenge the injustice. He was a man that manifest her self and all the ideas of color people. In the video apeare Lutherking in front of the white house saying that he has a dream, and he said that someday in this nation injustice will disappear.
What he wanted was for people of color or another race to have the possibility to bote.
Also we must say that saying the things he said in those days he put his life in danger.
Naroa Alzas dio
I love the film of Martin Luther King. I have known about this film for a long time, and about “ I have a dream´´ too. I hate the situation that was in USA at that time. I think black people should had the same rights as the rest of the people, but it wasn´t like that. And when M.L. King saw that, start fighting to change that situation. He mades a lot of things and the most important thing he did, was writing “I have a dream´´.
He spoke for all the people in Washington. He said that he wanted to vote, to go with white people in the same bus, to not to live apart in bad streets…
After saying that, all the things start changing. He did a lot for black people.
Andrea Redondo dio
“I have a dream” That’s what he said in his famous speech. That dream was about the freedom of black people, that couldn’t vote and have a voice in their country. I think that all type of people, all races, all religions… should have the right to vote, because we are the same, and we have to help each other, we don’t have to exclude other people because of the color of their skin. I feel blessed because I have a very good life, but it’s a pity that now a days it stills the racism and all those bad things against black people. Martin Luther King Jr. was a very good person, he deserve that award, and he made a very good job.
Julen Goenaga dio
Martin was a man who wanted equality and freedom for humanity. He fought with non violence vs. the government. All the black people had the right of vote but the government didn’t lend them. He only want the best for everyone. Everyone had the ritght of voting and the freedom. He made lots of protest while he was putting his life in danger. He made lots of speach to involve people fighting for their rights.
Naroa Alberdi dio
Martin Luther King wanted equality for humanity, he wanted everyone to be respected. The dream he had was that in the future all the people could be the same independently of the color of the skin. He also dreamt anyone could have the right to vote.
Luther King, never used the violence to express his ideas, he always gave his opinion talking and saying the things in a right way. He gave his life for his race.
In my opinion, this man is a very good man and all the things he had done, were to help to the humanity. He was so brave doing all that and i think he has become one of the icons of the world.
Danel Fernandez dio
Martin Luther King represents the rights of black people.In this speech wants America became a great nation. Martin Luther King want a change in the constitution, to dark-skinned can seats in the same place and vote next president like white people.Three hundred years the first president of America Abraham Lincoln refuse the slavery to black people but in 60´s white people tortured black people until kill black people.In 1968 Martin Luther king was assasinated in Memphis.
In my opinion Martin Luther King was a great person because is a fighter and defend the rights of black people it doesn´t matter what faith did you have Martin Luther King had a dream
Judith Paredes dio
Martin Luther King was a man who wanted the equality for all the people with out looking at the color of the skin. In the speech he explained his dreams that one day all the people will be acepted and all the persons will have the same rigths, they never used the violence.
Jakes del Río dio
Nire uztez King oso pertsona garrantzitsua izan zen Estatu batuetako historian bera izan baizen beltzei esperantza eman ziena eta askenean boto libre emateko aukera eman ziena.
Gaur egun bere lana asko miresten da eta milioika pertsonentzat inspirazio iturri bat da.
Aitor Torronteras dio
In my point of view, Martin Luther King helped so much defending black people´s rights with his speeches. His most famous words were ”I have a dream” and ”The time is now”, and with this words, he made black people to think about the opression that the afro-americans were suffering and to do something to fix it, specially in the south. Although he wanted to be respected, he wanted to get the rights without violence; and that is what made him a wonderful person. I think that without violence you can achieve a lot of things, and Martin Luther King is a prove of it
Anne Urquia dio
Martin Luther King was a very inspiring person, because he wanted to achieve the equality between black and white people. The best part of it was that he didn’t use the violence as a way to get the equality, but he achieved it by speaking and giving speeches.
This made people think about what was going on, and he encouraged people to help them get the equality they wanted. His most important speech was the one he gave at the capitol of Washington, called “I have a dream”. Sadly, he got murdered because of his thoughts.
That’s why is a person who deserves being respected. Nowadays, Luther King can be considered as one of the most important inspirational persons. From my point of view, what he did was really meaningful, and I can say that I agree with him, because everyone deserves being respected, it doesn’t matter what skin colour you are
Naroa Sayavera dio
M.L.kings,message was that his dreamt will do posible in the future and is that the black people will took part in the election.But this idea take a lot of time and they had to work together and they will got it.A lot of people got together with him but lot of people didnt think the same and there are the white people and they had lot of armamet and militars so they had lots of problems.His speech put a lot of people were agree with him.In lot of years,they were foughting but finally they got that dream.
Julen Zendoia dio
It is a shame that this man had ended in that way. His objective was the equality for all the humans, he respected everyone. He had a dream, it was that everyone in the future could be the same without making any kind of disdain to those who had dark skin.
He asked for something which would be better for everyone, that appears in his speech. One day, a black women how sat on the white’s side, because there was no place in the other side, then she was tortured. That was because in the buses where different places for black and white persons.
Anet Garate dio
To start with, Marthin Luther King was a man that wanted the rights for the black skined people and finally, despite they shot him after he gave his discussion he made it, he got the rights for the black skined people. He wanted black children play with the white children.
He tried and worked hard to achieve his dream and finally, he achieved it.
In my opinion, he was a very good person because he was always trying to make a difference in the society without violence, he fight to score the same rights that have white people. Some people could think that he was not a good person but if he couldnt have done that, now black people cuoldnt be able to vote or to do other thinghs. And he taught all people that you have to fight for the thinghs that you want and if you do that, you would make a difference.
Ekaitz Iriondo dio
MR Luther king arraza beltzeko gizon bat zen eta beltzen boto eskubidea lortu nahi zuen. Boto wakubide horiek izateko hainbat gauza egin zituen eta boto eskubide horiek lortzea nahi zituelako arraza txuriko pertsonek jipoitu egin zituen.hitzaldi bat eman zuen . Hitzaldi hartan pertsona beltzen eskubideak defendatu zituen behin eta berriz. Martin Luther Kingnek zion Estatu Batuetan pertsona beltzak eta pertsona zuriak guztiak berdinak izan behar zutela eta eskubide berdinak eduki behar zituztela. Azkenean mr lutherkingengatik arraza beltzeko pertsonek boto eskubidea lortu zuten eta oso pertsona garrantzitsua bihurtu zen.
Laia Arambarri dio
Selma is a 2014 historical drama film directed by Ava DuVernay and written by Paul Webb. It is based on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches initiated and directed by James Bevel and led by Martin Luther King Jr., Hosea Williams, and John Lewis. The film stars actors David Oyelowo as King, Tom Wilkinson as President Lyndon B. Johnson, Tim Roth as George Wallace, Carmen Ejogo as Coretta Scott King, and Common as Bevel.
In my opinion, what Martin Luther King has done is a good idea. We need to treat all people with respect, and just because we are of a different race and a different skin colour doesn’t mean we should be treated badly. It is a benchmark for everyone. We are all people and we all deserve the same respect
Elene Garate dio
M.L.King represent the rights of black people. He did lots of things to made all the rights of human people same for everyone. So he decided to start fighting against racism becouse he saw that things were getting worse on his country and lots of people were dying. He wanted equality with white and black people, for example, he wanted black people to be able to vote. He gave a very famous speech in 1963, the speech of ”I have a dream” and then, in 1968 he was murdered.
In my opinion, he was a very good person, he is a big idol to lots of people because thanks to him, now lots of people from other races have more rights and now black people are able to vote , so I think she is a very important person.
Luka Diaz de Cerio dio
Martin Luther King was an American black man that wanted the civil rights for the black people. Martin Luther king had a dream, he wanted equality in black and whites people. He did a civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. The speech of Martin Luther Kings has become one of the most iconic moments in all over the world. If he didn’t do the civil rights movement, now a days black people will be slave the white people.
In my point of wiew, I think that if he didn’t struggle for the ecuality, now a days won’t be the equality. He is a great man beause he do a lot of thinks and for this reasons was assassinated.
Jakes del Rio dio
Now everyone here knows about the history of Martin Luther King, don’t we? He was a great, peaceful man who believes that things could be fixed just with words and without using the violence under any concept. He was a great leader that managed to lead a lot of Negros from Georgia and the leader they needed to stop racism for once, and maybe for all. He was a man who knew what he wanted, knew how to have it and succesfully got it. He was a man that, even if he died some hours after his speech in Washington D.C., will be remembered as a man who changed humanity, and he will never be forgoten.
Khizar Shahid dio
In my opinion, Martin Luther King is one of the most honorable gentlemen from history. I really his capability of suffering the injustices and being able to keep quiet. From ethical points of view, his work has no value possible in this world, due to the fact that he used no-violence against violence and won. But the sad truth is that even 58 years later, in 2021, racism is still in America. There still are black colored people who suffer racism because of their skin. Their rights are taken away from them, they are treated like inhuman just because of darker skin color. It’s true and undeniable that a lot has changed since Dr. King’s movement for justice, but still it hasn’t disappeared. I think that we need another leader like Dr. King in present time to do another non-violent movement to finish forever with Racism. But, this does not excuse the human behavior. As I said, there must be another leader as him today, but, there won’t be any change until people don’t start changing their minds. For example, If one of the biggest politicians of my country supports equality and justice, until each individual of us does their job by supporting him and expanding his message, there won’t be any change.
To conclude, I have to say that Martin Luther King is one of the biggest heroes available in the history of our planet. I also think that we need another leader like him to keep expanding equality and justice, without taking into account the skin, but, I strongly support the idea that without each individual doing his own extra work of supporting these ideas, change won’t be possible.
Oier Andueza dio
Martin luthierrek gizartearekiko berdintasuna nahi zuen. Beltzek txurien berdintasun igualak edukitzea. Baita ere nahi zuen danontzat errespetua. Gainera esaten du amets bat duela, denak igualak garela berdintasuna dagoela baita errespetua dagoela denen artean. Esaten zuten oso gizon ona zela eta askoz hobea izango zela hitzaldian esan zuena eta gero. Munduko lider handienetako bat bihurtu zen. Beak nahi zuena zen bere semeak ez izatea juzgatuta bere azaleko kolorearengatik.
Naia Del Carmen dio
It’s a shame that Martin Luther King has ended in that way. This man represents the rights of black people. He’s dream was that in the future everyone could be the same independently as other people. For that, he make an effort and he go ahead with his dream, but he did it with non-violence. He was a good man and asked for something that would be better for everyone, and that was what he said in his speech. Finally, he got his dream, and everyone was grateful.
In my point of view, Martin Luther King was a excellent person because he fight about what we want, that was to defend the rights of black people and he didn’t matter what other people’s say.
Douae Chiguer dio
Martin Luther King Jr. was an African American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement. King is best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. King’s main influence was Jesus Christ and the Christian gospels, which he would almost always quote in his religious meetings.
He became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. King was first regular advisor on nonviolence. King was inspired by Gandhi and his success with nonviolent activism, and as a theology student, King described Gandhi as being one of the “individuals who greatly reveal the working of the Spirit of God”. King participated in and led marches for blacks’ right to vote, desegregation, labor rights, and other basic civil rights. On October 14, 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance.
Marina Zubizarreta dio
The man we’re talking about is called Martin Luther King. His name is really well-known due to the fact that he fought a lot until he got his main dream: equality between black and white people. When I talk about fighting I don’t refer to weapons and wars; his main positive trait and what he was recognized by, was how pacifist he was, and that he didn’t want violence as a way to get his objective.
Nevertheless, his end hadn’t been nice noway; he was assassinated.
I feel that we should appreciate much more this kind of people and that it’s not fair to be treated this way.
Malaika Batool dio
In my opinion, I think that Martin Luther was a brave man; because, he was the one who spoke for his community (afro-americans), for their rights, liberty, equality… He wasn’t afraid of American people, he fought for peace and non-violence. As we know, these people called afro-american’s were taken from Africa and sold in America, they were treated as an object. They left their home country and worked as a servant for American people. Because of their history, they have always been abandoned people in the society.
So, in conclusion, I think that Martin Luther did a great job; and helped to see the world in a different way.
Jon Etxaniz dio
This was a discourse from Martin Luther King. He spoke in front of lot of people that they were agree with all that he say. He spoke about the diference between blacks and whites. Black people didn’t have the same rights as whites and he argued that these diferences should be the same for all the people. All the people that was listening the discourse, clapped after all the sentences he said. His dream was to be respected all people in the same way and one day become a world without diferences between diferent people.
I think that he was right becasue we live in a world with lots of injustices. I think that all the people, be black or white, we have to do all that we want. And not be excluded because you are for other colour. I think that some things are changed but we have to do more. Martin Luther King was a big person, because he start changing things, with words and without violence. And with his phrases, lots os people start thinking what is happening with that situation. In that moment start changing things.
Manex Salas dio
Martin Luther King wanted the same rights for whites and blacks. He was a man who didn’t want to fight with violence, he was very peacefull. Black people had the right of vote but the government didn’t lend them.
All the people wanted to kill Martin so it was dangerous. The injustice was very big and he was killed by racist people.
His achievements are rewarding and he is an important person, mostly for black people.
For me Martin is a very important person for this humanity.
Jare Arrieta dio
It is undoubtedly the case that the speech given Martin Luther King, known as “I have a dream”, changed the situation of black people lived in America, Unitated States. It is said that is a historic moment. In my point of view, it is a shame the way people was treated only because they were of black raze. They suffered a lot in they everyday life situations, for example in buses, or also at work. The movements organised by him were no-violence ones and critics were made in a huge amount by white people. What Martin Luther King did, in my opinion, was very brave as he didn’t have enough support to fight for his dream.
I think that if this person didn’t do anything like that nowadays, black people will be treated as the same way as before. Even tough a lot of work and improvements were made, I believe there is still a lot to do. To say this, I base on the case of George Floyd who was killed by a police man the last year.
Naikari Galarraga dio
Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to achieve the equality between black and white people. He fought to get the right of vote. He didn’t use violence, he protested without violence and he wanted to finish with the racism between white and black people. He had a dream, that in the future everyone could be the same without using any kind of violence. A dream that all black people could breath the same changes, the same opportunities, the same laws as white people. He tried and tried to get the human right to vote and they protest until white people allowed them.
In my opinion, Martin Luther King is very inspiring person because he tried to score the same rights of people. He was a very good person because he didn’t use violence and he taught all peolple that you have to fight for all the things that you want and if you do that, you would make a difference.
Maite Diaz de Zerio dio
Martin Luther King was a black man who wanted to be under the same conditions with white persons. He did a speech that has become the most important speech in the world. There he spoke about the differences between black and white person and he proclaim the equality for humanity.
For my point of view, the film was interesting because we learnd how they lived in USA in the past. Also the speech is an historic moment for the community.
To sum up, I think this was an existential speech that has made a huge change in the society. Also I think it will be a great idea to do another discourse to make aware of it.
Miguel Angel Granados dio
Now at days this man have been an example of perfect combination of non-violence and the way of the freedom for back people, he was an example before and he must be an example now beacause we are having some issues with the equality of black people and the feminism,he had a dream but he cant do it alone soo we must follow her goals to achieve the freedom of expression for all humans , im sure that he was right ,im sure that he was doing the things well with an ethical point of view because he never used the violence or other bad metods, he only used words and is all that we need, the words are one of the humans most powerfull weapon so we should use it in the right way.
Yaiza Diaz dio
We have listened to the speech that Martin Luther King said at the Washington Capitol.
The dream he had was that in the future all the people could be the same independently of the color. I belive that all he did was very good because he only want to say that all people was same.
I think that all type of people, should have the right to vote, because we are same.
He tried and tried to get the human right to vote and they protest until white people allowed them. A lot of people believed the ism but there was also people that not.
In the end, in lot of years they were foughting but finally they got that dream.
Luken Quintana dio
It’s a shame this guy finished like that. He only wanted a balanced humanity where the black people and the white people have the same rights. I think that all type of people, all races, all religions… should have the right to vote, because we are the same, and we have to help each other, we don’t have to exclude other people because of the color of their skin.My idea of all this, is that he was a big and kind man. Who put others before him. Thanks to him, people in America have the right to vote. Just by thinking how the black people lived, is unbelievable. They even had different seats on buses for black and white people.I think that without violence you can achieve a lot of things, and Martin Luther King is a prove of it.
andrea dio
Martin Luther King wanted equality for humans, he wanted everyone to be respect. The dream he had was that in the future all the people if you are black or white to be respect and free. He reunited all black people in Washington to speak about the situation. One of the most importat thing that Martin says was “I have a dream, that one day… One day my children will not be judged just because of their skin colour. I have a dream lots of dreams.”
From my standpoint, this is an historic moment. We can not reject people if they are white or black. Is not everythig done now a days but we have to work in that.
Aitana Sanchez dio
One part of the history of America is the message of M.L.King . Black people from South America fight for their rights to vote. Martin made a speech in Washington DC and a lot of people went there with him. They all were fighting aobout their rights, King said that he had a dream where all people in the world were living with each other in peace, and black people will get the right to vote.
He wanted to end the racism. After this speech and much time fighting they got the right to vote but unfortunately, M.L.King were killed 5 years later because of a shot while he was giving a speech.
He worked a lot and in the end it can see in the results he achieved. People around the world made their mind about what was happening and they started to help black people.
Now we can’t go back, we have to follow fighting for more rightsne, and if we do that one day it will be peace in the world.
Ane Errasti dio
Martin Luther King was a black man that has got a family. He started in defending black people’s rights. He fight against the discrimitation to black people. Black people weren’t able to vote and that was so injustice, so Martin started defending them.
Martin created a demonstration that a lot of people attended. They came, many nuns, priests and many more people from other countries, some black and others white. But at that time the color of the skin did not matter, the only thing Martin wanted was to have the same rights as others but he wanted to achieve it without any violence.
Martin created an incredible demonstration and thanks to his ideas and his calm he got black people to vote, but even so, we all know that discrimination against blacks is still one of the most common issues.
Andrey Lyzard dio
This man is completely a example to follow, and we must all respect him for what he did, what he tried to do and what his way of thinking was. We should respect him because he gave his life in trying to protect black lives and get the rights, the human rights they owned and deserved to be able to vote. He made all the way up by making the government know about their awful situation. And despite the agressive reaction the government had, killing a big amount of black population of Washington, he insisted on not using any type of violence. In spite of them suffering from discrimination and segregation, he never had the desire to revenge because he knew violence was wrong and wanted to face up the situation showing to the world that its possible to do it without using agression. He made it to get the rights they deserved without violence and thats why we should strongly respect him.
He had a dream about his sons playing with white children in the most racist place in the US. Martin was given the Nobel prize of Peace in 1964. And although he was murdered in 1968, his honorable act will be remembered forever.
Malaika Talib dio
Nowdays everyone remembers one of the most loved members of the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King. He was known mostly for his “I Have A Dream” speech. That speech was listened to by thousands of people then and is still played every day because it was and still is so influential.
I respect Martin Luther King because he paved the way for other African Americans to gain equal rights even though they are still fighting the war against racism. He embodied outstanding moral qualities such as truth, courage, and justice.
He encoureged others to have a dream and purseu it, no matter what.
Gaur egun denek gogoan dute Eskubide Zibilen mugimenduko kide maiteenetako bat, Martin Luther King. Ezaguna zen batez ere “Amets bat dut” hizketagatik. Mintzaldi hura milaka lagunek entzun zuten orduan eta oraindik ere egunero entzuten da, eragin handia baitzuen eta oraindik ere baduelako.
Martin Luther King errespetatzen dut, bere ondoren, beste milaka afroamerikarrei eskubide berdinak lortzeko bidea ireki zielako, oraindik arrazakeriaren aurkako gerra egiten ari diren arren. Egia, ausardia eta justizia bezalako ezaugarri moral bikainak zituen. Martin Luther Kingek amerikar guztiei botoa emateko eskatu zien. Gaur egun eskubide horri eusteko eskatu behar dugu. Eskatu botoa mantentzea, gure legeak guztiontzat eginak izan behar dutelako.
Besteak animatu zituen amets bat edukitzera eta gero hori betetzera, edozeren auretik.
Alina Fogarasi dio
M.L.King did very well in trying to remove the violence. In this world you must see more peace and very little violence on the part of human beings.
It is a shame that still 2021 violence still tends to happen and in mamy places.
He had a dream, his dream was that violence and bad things like people of reason would put aside the black race or anyone.
Ariane Mateos dio
“I have a dream”, the speech which represents the effort, courage, respect and the merit that Martin Luther King Jr. had as a result of fighting pacefully for their rights, black people’s rights. The United States of America was a country where black people were oppressed just because of the colour of their skin and their culture. Martin tried to equalize their rights with white people’s pacefully because he knew that with violence, nothing could be achieved.
The main result he wanted to get was to have a voice in their country, he just wanted to be heard, to vote and to be free. He wanted all children not to be oppressed when they got older. He wanted to end black slavery. He deserved all the thing that he attained.
It is a shame that nowadays there’s still some racism in this world even if he got to equal lots of rights with white ones. I am blessed that we, the white people, don’t suffer from as much racism as black people do. That “privilege” embarrasses me beacause it didn’t have to be a white privilege not to be oppressed, it had to be the privilege of every human being in this world.
Naia Noriega dio
Arthur Luther King did a speech about the diferences of white and black mans. One of the reason that nowadays black and white mans have the same rights is that speech. Arthur Luther King fought in favour of black people but whitout violence and this speech is a example of that, he repeated a lot of times that they didn’t have to use violence. “I have a dream, that one day, all, white mans and black mans could live like brothers and sisters” that was a very famous sentence that he said in that speech.
I think this speech is a very important thing to the history of the world becouse it defend the rights of every black mans.
Irati Mendizabal dio
Martin Luther King, was a man willing to fight for his rights as he wanted all the inhabitants of the United States to be equal, regardless of their race.
Despite the difficulties he had, putting his life in danger many times, he continued to fight for what he wanted most, that all African-Americans have the right to vote.
This speech is one of the best known in the history, since it combined many people and since it had a very large social impact. We can consider Martin one of the great people in charge of the equality of races. It is true that in many places there is still a lot of difference between whites and blacks, but if it weren’t for him, surely everything would be much worse.
Today, different protests continue to take place, but almost none like Martin’s one, a peaceful protest without violence.
In my opinion Martin was a good man who only wanted the best for his people. I think that today we would have to focus more on people like him and follow his path, a difficult but ethical and moral path.
Maite Bastida dio
This speech was such an important historic moment for the black community and the american people. Realizing how he fought until the end for black people’s rights it’s impresive from my point of view. The fact that he didn’t go to violence even once and he always said that he will never use it is awesome, as everything white people used to do was kill and torture everyone that was on their way.
I belive that his iconic talk changed several people’s mind; he left everyone speechless. I’m fond of the way he expressed him self and all the structures that he used, for example repiting “hundreds of years later…” As I have said previously, making his dream real without using violence is a very important point that i love.
In conclusion, this speech is inspiring and impressive for me. I truly believe that he did a lot for black people’s right and that he actually changed many things for the black habitants living in the US and different countries around the World.
Axel Amaro Martin dio
Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1928 in Atlantia (Georgia), And was and is one of the most important people of the 20th century and in the United States. It allowed African Americans to gain rights and the opportunity to vote.
He fought hard all his life to achieve these achievements, but he himself fought pacifist battles. He also gave many lectures, the most famous of which is “I have a dream.”
He was shot dead on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Miren Bastida dio
Martin Luther King it is a very humble person that only wants to get equality between white people and black people. In this speech he wants to everybody to be respected. Luther King fights to get the right to vote and he finally gets it.
I think that even if he has got very good ideas to carry out the government prevents him from helping so it is harder to get what he wants. We all have to take into a count the problem that some people try to solve, the discrimination. We still have to do a lot to make the difference and to convert the live in a better world.
So, this kind person show us that we have to fight so that our dreams come true. He had a dream and he get it with the help of a lot of people.
Even if it Martin Luther King is killed in the end, we have to learn that he gets his dreams and we have to try it also. But the most important thing is not to get the dreams it is to try to get it. We have to colaborate to solve all the problems that are in the earth.
Nerea Etxaniz dio
This film is about racism and about how imortat is this topic. A lot of people is killed or cut off from society for the simple fact of being black. Martin Luther, this character has been very important in the history of the United States. Thanks to this man black people got the right to vote. This man brought together thousands of people to study the situation of blacks in Washington and to achieve equality among blacks and whites; to have the same rights and services. they suffered a lot of injustices, for example they were killed for being black.
Martin Luther, never used the violence to express his ideas, he always gave his opinion talking and saying the things in a right way. Luther King says in the speech is that he has a dream about that one day his children will not be judged just because of their skin colour. He was a very a man of great responsibility.
Estibaliz Romero dio
Martin Luther King was a black clergyman with the dream of having the rights of black people that they never had. They were beaten and killed by white people becouse of being blacks and making demostrations to get the right of voting. He gave his historic speech on August 28, 1964 in Washington: “I have a dream”. He dreamed of having the same rights as whites, that his children would not be discriminated against in the future…
He got it, and I think he did a great job after so much effort and sacrifice and it is appreciated. He took a big step and he helped humanity a lot. I think we need more people like him, who fights for the good.
Alex Juaristi dio
I really liked this movie, it’s one of those movies that you think how bad racism is. Nawadays,people should realize what racism is and that nobody is different. I think that we are all the same and we have to respect each other. It doesnt mind, what colour are you or what culture have you, we have to respect eahc other. The dream of Martin was that all people be respected. In conclusion I think ta old people in the world would be respected.
Alex Arambarri dio
Martin Luther King wanted black people to have the same rights as white people . He fought hard against the government due to the racist government that was in those years. He did so much with her speeches that a lot of people supported him. The most famous phrase that he said was “I have a dream”. Finally he was killed by white people in 1968.
In my opinion all the things that he did were good because we are all the same an we should have the same rights.Martin Luther King achieved to have the same rights. Nowadays in some countries white people have more rights that people of other race. We can still see racism cases all over the world and often when we see racism cases we dont report them.
Aimar Quintana dio
Martin Luther King Jr was one of the biggest defenders of the civil rights of black people. Martin Luther king was the human who gave his life to the justicy, He defend the rights of black people. He had a lot of followers of his marches to win the equality betwin them.
In my opinion he was a very brave person and is an icon for us. His conferences are very important of us nowdays because is part of the American History.
Pablo Carmona dio
One of the biggest steps for the afroamerican people’s rights in the world was made by the Dr. Martin Luther King. As he said, in his famous speech at the Washingtong’s Capitol, he had a dream, a dream where both black and white people could live in peace and harmony with eachother. A dream where the most racist and opressive person could be fair and respectful to anyone.
It is also remarkable that all that Martin had gained was possible without the use of violence, making the pacifist movement stronger and more visible. Nowadays there’s still a lot of racism but not as much as the ancient people suffered for ages. The greatest thing Martin did is that he gave hope to the black people and to the rest of the world; hope for thinking that a better world is possible and that that possiblity is by our hands.
Jon Ucin dio
I think that Martin Lutherking is one of the most important political figures of all time. He is the one who really gave the right to vote to the Black people comunity, and started the revolution to end racism.
The spech in the Capitolio was the beggining of a change. In the spech, he said he had a dream that white people and black people would be able to live in equality in every aspect of life, for example, both white and black children could play together or be in the same bus, without having to sit separately…
Even though he got shot, his legend will stand forever and he will never be forgotten, as he was the one who created a peaceful movement, even though they were recieving verious tipes of violence, they continiued the movement without using any violence. I think that is something to admire and that is why he recieved the novel price of Peace.
Markel Murillo dio
This is a history of one black person. His name was ML King Jr. As he said, in his famous speech at the Washingtong’s Capital, he had a dream, that dream is black persons and white persons be equal A dream where the most racist and opressive person could be fair and respectful to anyone.
Is very famouse because ML King Jr made there be no more racism but nowadays there are a lot of racism in the world.I think it should be decreased.
Finally ML King Jr dead.
Asier Intxausti dio
They talk about the freedom and rights of black people, about the racism that exists in some states and the work of Abram Lincoln to abolish slavery.
talks about the work that a man had to do to get the rights for the black population which suffered from exploitation and slavery in those areas.
mr. luterking took a big step for the rights of blacks, teaching that they can also live like other people, For this reason, he is currently adored by many people, both black and other ethnicities.
Celia Martínez dio
Martin Luther King was a defensor of black people rights and freedom. He went to Washinton and made one of the best speech to defend their rights ” I had a dream”. That speech was because black people had legaly some rights but those weren’t accomplish on their daily routine. For example: they couldn’t vote even they have the right, or there were many places in the cities where only white people could enter. This was an historic moment and many white people were there, that shows that not all the population in America was racist. He pointed that some states of north America were really rasist, Alabama and Mississippi. His dream was that one day, people will realise that we were all the same, that our skin colour doesn’t say what kind of people we are and the other part of the dream was that his four childs could get together with wihte kids in Alabama and all them defend their rights and live a normal live.
Kristina Epelde dio
Martin Luther King was a man who fought for his race’s rights since times were not easy for the black. Racism was present on a daily basis in the USA, mostly in the southern states such as Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Back then, black people had their own place to sit in the bus or they had their particular bathrooms, most of these were dirty and grubby but white people’s were clean. All these just because of their skin color. Not only were the bathrooms dirty or particular bars and barbers, but also they used to be beaten in the streets just because.
Once, a black woman needed to take the bus, but the black section was full so she sat where white people used to sit. They started jeering and yelling at her, and finally the driver kicked her out.
M.L. King had to do something against this, that’s why he spoke up and gave a speech (I have a dream), in the capitol in washington. The speech moved a lot of people and helped to move forward as society for the better.
Denis Valor dio
Nere uztez, M.L King lan oso ondo egin zuen arrazizmoaren kontra eta dena beltzak, txuriak,… igualak izan behar dugu. eskubide igualak,…Nere uztez M.L King oso balientea izan da dena hori esateko. Eta espero dut dena esan duena erreala gelditzeko, oso duroa delako. (Bere umeak normala krezitzeko ez arrazismoarekin, lapurtu gabe bere azalengatik eta bakarrik fijatzeko bere inteligentzia,… eta ez beren azalengatik.
Oier Bravo dio
Martin Luther King-ek estaten du beltzak ere eskubideak dituztela eta horren atzean borrokatzen du. Orduan diskurtso bat egiten du. Diskurtso hortan esaten du Amerikak esan zituen konpromisoak ez direla bete ehun urte eta gero (ONE HUNDRED YEARS LATER). Amets bat duela ere esaten du, momentu batean Amerikan askatasun guztia beltzentzako, eta bere seme-alabak bere jarrera eta izaera kontuan hartzea eta ez bere azale koloreagatik.
Souleymane Sall dio
Martin Luther King dijo “I HAVE DREAM” que los negros seran libres y sera uno de ellos presidente de America,le mataron por decir que un negro sera presidente de America cuatro años despues de su discurso.lo que ha dicho ha sido realidad por que “BARACK OBAMA” ha sido presidente de America. Al final todo lo que había dicho ha sido realidad. Aun que siempre habra racistas en ese mundo, pero no sera como antes esclavos.
Xabier Alonso Murillo dio
Martin Luther King Jr. diskurtzo bat eman zuen Abraham Lincolnen monumentuaren aurrean. Bertan, duela ehun urte gobernuak prometitu zituen eskubideak beltzentat oraindik ez dituztela jarri esaten du. Bukaeran, amets bat izan duela ezaten. Amets hartan, bere lau umeak beste ume batzuekin jolasten ari zirela esaten du eta beraien karakterrarengatik bakarrik kritikatzen zituztela esaten du ez beraien koloreagatik.
Bidane Galarza dio
Martin Luther King oso ospetxua izan zen elkarrizketa honetan argi eta garbi esaten du bere ametsa kolore illuneko pertsonak eta kolore argiko pertsonak batera ibltzea nahi duela, elkar errespetatzea, laguntzea, maitatzea, lagunak izatea, eta normaltasun batea ematea guztien artean azal kolorea alde batera utzita.
Kolore illuneko pertsonei ere eskubideak edukitzeko aukera eman nahi zien eta garrantzitsuea berdintasuna egotea beraien artean. Guztiek libreak izan behar dute horrelako gauzak garrantzian hartu beharrean ez dutelako bate importa, gehien importa duena ez delako kanpoko itxura barrukoa baizik, nolako pertsona zaren benetan hartu behar da kontuan kanpotik ikusita soilik ezin duzulako jakin pertsona bat benetan nolakoa den.
Guztientzat bakea soilik nahi duela adierazten du gauza hauek guztiak kontuan hartuta noski. Horrez gain, laguntza ere eskatzen du, orain dela ordua lagundu behar zakonari laguntzeko momentua. Igualdadea nahi dute pozik eta alai egoteko, aske izateko, ez preokupatzeko…
Oso ondo iruditu zait esplikatzio perfektuak ematen dituelako, gauzak diren bezala esplikatzen ditu eta oso klaru.
Guztiok merezi dugu ondo tratatuak izatea, lana edukitzea, etxe bat edukitzea, familia bat edukitzea…. zoriontsu izatea.
Eritz Garate dio
Martin Luther King jaunak sei helburu zituen argitzeko eta aurrera eramateko hitzaldi horretan. Lehena, eskubide zibilei buruzko lege esanguratsuak eraldatzea izan zen. Bigarrena, beltz eta txuri guztiek botoa emateko aukera izatea izan zen. Hirugarrena, hezkuntza sistema integratu bat izatea zen. Laugarrena, etxebizitza duinak izatea. Bosgarrena, enplegu betea eta bidezkoa izatea eta azkenik obra federalei buruzko programa handi bat egitea ziren. Lortu zuen eta 300.000mila bat pertsona juntatu zituen bere hitzaldian eta historian oso egun garrantzitsua izan da.
Joanes Aldalur dio
Martin Luther King Jr. Note 1(born Michael King Jr.; Atlanta, Georgia; January 15, 1929-Memphis, Tennessee; April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the spokesperson and most visible leader of the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. An African-American church leader and son of the first activist and civil rights minister Martin Luther King Sr.1 who did crucial work in the United States leading the movement for civil rights for African-Americans and who, in addition, participated as an activist in numerous protests against the Vietnam War and poverty in general. For this activity aimed at ending American segregation and racial discrimination through non-violent means, he was awarded the Nobel Peace PrizeNote 2 in 1964. Four years later, at a time when his work had focused on special towards the opposition to the war and the fight against poverty, he was assassinated in Memphis, when he was preparing to attend an informal dinner with friends. Note 3
Martin Luther King, an activist for civil rights from a very young age, organized and carried out various peaceful activities demanding the right to vote, non-discrimination and other basic civil rights for people of African descent in the United States. Among his most remembered actions are the bus boycott in Montgomery, in 1955; his support for the founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), in 1957 (of which he would be its first president); and the leadership of the March on Washington for Work and Freedom, in August 1963, at the end of which he would deliver his famous “I have a dream” speech, thanks to which it would spread throughout throughout the country public awareness of the civil rights movement and would establish himself as one of the greatest orators in American history. 2 Most of the rights claimed by the movement would be approved with the enactment of the Bill of Rights Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Laia Gonzalez dio
To start with, my honest opinion of M.L.King is that he is a really good person and really brave. This is because he has fought non-stop for the rights of black men and women. I think that he deserves all our respect because he has done history by doing what I’ve said before.
He was an activist and leader in the Civil Rights Movement. Above all he stood up for freedom, but always without using any violence.
On his speech we are informed that one hundred years ago the Estate told to black people that nowadays they’d be free but this hasn’t happened yet. That day is a really important one for them because they have acquired their rights. For example the one who allows them to vote.
I want to stand out the fact that happened to a black woman in a bus. She was really tired and the back of the was complete so she decided to sit down in the forehead of the bus. White people was not in agreement with this so she was throwed of the bus. M.L.King heard this and they protested to the president so he had to quit the law that separated people.
This was a really courageous movement!
He is great!
Jarik Corral dio
Martin Luther King Jr. mendeko aktibista eta artzain baptista estatubatuar bat izan zen. Atlantan, 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio eta 39 urte zituela Memphisen, 1968ko apirilaren 4an hil egin zuten. Eskubide zibilak defendatu zituen. Arraza bereizketarekin amaitzeko eta Ameriketako aurreiritziei aurre egiteko mugimendua gidatu zuen protesta baketsuaren bidez. Baita ere, FBI-a Martin Luther King-en kontra joan ziren eta hilketan parte hartu zutela susmatzen da. Beste aldeetiken, nire ustez, oso ondo egin zuen Marting Luther King-ek zibilen eskubideen alde defendatzea eta beti berdintasuna bilatzea. Baita kontuan hartu behar da lehenago Estatu Batuetan arrazakeri asko zegoen eta jende arrazista asko, orduan, M. L. King-ek oso ausarta izan zen, izan ere, gobernua edo pertsona arrazistaren bat pistola batekin etor zitekeen eta hil egin zitekeen edozein unetan, baina hala ere bere ideien alde egiten zuen.
Eider Gonzalez dio
In this video Martin Luther King talks about racism. In general, tell the injustices that black people have to endure. For example, he says that the black people can’t vote. Also tell what happened to one woman; he says that in the bus there are different zones, one for white people and the other for black people. This woman was black and she saw that in the black zone there weren’t any chairs free and she put in the white people zone and when they found out, they got her off the bus. The part that I liked the most was the end because he says that he has a dream. The dream was that he wanted the world to be fair to both whites and blacks.
Aimar Basurko dio
Martin Luther King was an indicator of the rights of African-Americans and not violence. He was fighting for peace, and that’s why there were demonstrations, like the demonstration of not taking the buses and his speech in Washington. The expression of the highways began with the existence of a dividing line separating African-Americans from buses, so M.L.King decided that no African-American should take a bus. After that, the bus business collapsed, and that line was quickly removed. On the other hand, there was the speech of “I have a dream,” which showed that all African-Americans were free from oppression.
Gainera, beste ekarpen bat egin nahi nuke: joan den ikasturtean, Ingeleseko klasean, liburu baten ahozkoa egitea egokitu zitzaidan. Izan ere, liburu hau M.L.Kingen biografia batekoa zen eta artzaina zela kontatzen zuen. Ondoren, gertaera garrantzitsuenak azaltzen zituen. Azkenik, liburuan nola hil zen gisa azaltzen zuen, eta bitartean, hari buruzko bitxikeriak kontatzen zituen.
Asier Uranga dio
In my opinion, the blacks in America since the 80s have had a very bad state of life since the Americans in some areas of the United States were very racist and with this they did not have a good quality of life since they arrived there to have a good life. . But with the racism at that time they earned very little and also they could not do the same as all the whites who lived there could do. Like getting to work on the same bus as white men or they couldn’t go over some limits that white men could. And with this it seems very good to go out to give a speech in front of an entire capital to be able to have freedom and rights like whites.
Ameriketan horain dela urte asko gizon eta emakume beltzen egoera ez zen batere egokia hauek ez baitzituzten eskubide asko eta honekin batera ezin zituzten gizon zurien gauz berak egin. Adibidez ezin ziren gizon zurien autobus berdinean garraiatu lanera joateko. Beltzek beste autobus bat izaten zuten hontarako eta naiz eta zurien autobusa ustuta egon ezin zuten autobus horretan bidaiatu. antzerako gauzak gertatzen ziren trenekin ezin baitzuten lehen lehen edo bigarren mailan bidaiatu. Bestela jo egiten zituztelako. Berdina gertatzen zen limite batzuk pasatzerakoan, limite bat pasa eskero poliziak lurrera bota jo… egiten zituzten.
Maddi Escudero dio
In the video we have seen appears Martin Luther, he was a man who fought for the rights of black people. In the video we have seen this man giving a speech to encourage the citizens, because they were losing faith. In the speech he many times said that he have a dream, one of the dreams was that in the future he would like to see black and white childrens hand in hand.
in parts of the speech he names places, very racist places where the rights of black people did not count. One of the places he naed is the city where he lived.
Marcos Da Silva dio
Martin Luther King was a black man who fought for the rights of Afro-Americans since they were discriminated against and sometimes killed just because of their religion or skin color, the discrimination was to such an extent that in some places black people were not allowed, “I have a dream, I dream that my four children live one day in a nation where they are not judged by the color of their skin but by their character. (…) I dream that one day in Alabama black girls and boys can hold hands with white girls and boys as sisters and brothers.” that was the only thing he wanted and that is what led to his death, Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4 at the age of 39, after a decade fighting for the rights of black people, he was assassinated for seeking the freedom of African-Americans…
Evan Rubio dio
Martin Luther king was iconic years ago, and he still is very iconic when speaking about equality between races and colours, better known as racism. He was one of the few people that wanted to change the world and give black people an opportunity to be part of the society. He wanted white and black kids being as one. And another important point about this is that he always did and said everything respecting all the people so as not to make them think he was angry with them. His priority was to send a message, and that is what he did.
Racism still exist in our society but since Martin gave the message is not as hard as years ago. I honestly think that in the future black people will be as respected as white people. And I also believe that Martin Luther will never be forgeted and black people will always be grateful to him.
Believe it or not, if it wasn’t for Martin Luther, maybe black people wouldn’t have hope to make the equality real. That’s why I said that they will never forget what he did so that they could live in peace.
Irene Sanz dio
Lutherking oso garrantsitzu zen. Pentsatzen zuena esaten zuen. Gende asko bere alde zegoen eta beste gende gutxi bere kontra.
Kontra zeudenak ez zuten nahi bakea izan, bakarrik biolentzia nahi zuten. “Aspertu” egiten zirelako. Eta bere alde zeuden guztiak biolentziarik ez zuten nahi, eta bakea nahi zuten.
Lutherrkingek nahi zuen bakarra hori zen, biolentziarik ez egotea eta bakea bakarrik egotea.
Gende asko naskatuta zegoen biolentziarekin horregatik gendea bere alde zegoen. Lutherking liberala zen, pentsatzen zuena esan egiten zuen. Eta hori egin zuen. Berak amesten zuen bakarra hori zen, bakea irabaztea eta biolentzia galtzea, geratzea.
Angel Ramos dio
It also remarkable thal all martin had gained was posible without the use of violence making the pacifist movement strong and mor viisble nowadays there still a lot of racism but not as much as the acient people suffered for ages. the greatest thing martin did isthat he gavehope to the black people and to the rest of the word hope for thinking that a better word is posible and that possibility is by our hands.
Nora Arambarri dio
Martin Luther King wanted black people to have the same rights as white people. He fights against discrimination to black people because they weren’t allowed to do the same things as white people. For example, they weren’t allowed to vote and in the buses there were different seats for black and white people. One day a black woman entered the bus. As the seats of black people were full she decided to sit down in one seat that was on the white’s side and the bus driver told her to go out. Martin Luther King had a dream and was to havE the same rights as all the other people. I like how he fights to achieve his dream because he doesn’t use violence.
Asko gustatu zait pelikula hau eta Marthin Lutherkingek eduki zuen boterea hau guztia egiteko.
Denis Galarza dio
Garai haietan arrazismoa oso haundia zen. Pertsona zuriek eskubide gehienak zituzten eta pertsona beltzek berriz ez zuten ia eskubiderik. Nahiz eta beltzek botatzeko aukera eduki beraientzat ezinezkoa zen. Ez bait zuten inoren gonbidapenik. Eta botoa emateko derrigorrezkoa zen beste norbaiten gonbidapena izatea. Garai haietan beltzei sekulako jipoiak ematen zizkieten eta hori ikusi ondoren Martin Luther King ez zen geldirik gelditu. Diskurso eder bat bota zuen herritar guztientzat. Diskurso hura gehienbat beltzie zuzendutakoa izan zen. Denborarekin guztia aldatzen joango zela eta mundu hobea egingo zutela denen artea. Horretarako zenbait adibide ematen ditu eta horietako bat berak seme alabei buru esaten du. Hau esaten du: “We cannot be satisfied while our children are stripped of their personhood and deprived of their dignity by whites only signs”
Alex Morales dio
I have a dream du izena Martin Luther King Jr-ren diskurtso ospetsuena, zuri eta beltzak harmoniatsu eta berdin berdin bizitzeko zuen etorkizun baten nahiaz hitz egiten zuenean. Hitzaldi hau, 1963ko abuztuaren 28an Lincoln Memorialeko eskaileretatik Washingtonen Enpleguaren eta Askatasunaren aldeko Martxan, Amerikako Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduaren une erabakigarria izan zen.
I have a dream is the name of Martin Luther King Jr’s most famous speech, when he talked about his desire for a future where whites and blacks live harmoniously and equally. This speech, delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963 during the March for Jobs and Freedom in Washington, was a defining moment in the American Civil Rights Movement.
Sufian Ali dio
Martin luther king Amesta asko da gauza asko egin behar da.Afroamerikarren eskubide zibilen borrokalari handiaren hitzaldi osoa. “I Have a Dream” (“Amets bat daukat”) 1963ko abuztuaren 28an ahoskatu zen “Washington-en lanaren eta askatasunaren aldeko martxa”-n Abraham Lincoln-en monumentuko eskaileretan, non 200 eta 200 bitartean egon ziren. 300 mila pertsona.Izan ere, martxa honek 1964ko Eskubide Zibilen Legea eta 1965eko Boto Eskubideen Legea onartzen lagundu zuen.
Chaimae Maayouf dio
M.L.King, bizi gogorra izan zuen eskubideak izateko berak eta beste beltz asko bizi siren herrian. Protestak eta grebak egiten zituzten, txurixen eskubide berdina izateko. Garraio publikoa ere kendu zizkieten beltz denei, eta beraiek ere egin behar zuten “la misma jugada”, beltzek ez zuten garraio publikoak erabiltzen, baina, beraien artean laguntzen ziren, bat kotxea ematen zuen eta besteak berarekin joaten ziren. Azkenean M.L.King-nek eskubide asko ekarri zien beltzei hitzaldi batean, demostratuz, pertsona guztiek izan behar dutela eskubide berdina bizitzeko.
Denis Soraluce dio
Nire ustez gizon honek egin duenak meritu handia du, berak mundua aldatzeko zuen ametsa bete du.
This man has made a big change, starting from zero, and changing not only USA, all the world. Because of this man and his hard work, nowadays you are going to be treated the same way, even if you are black, white or any other skin colour.
Aimar Ormazabal Sudupe dio
America has always been said to be the land of opportunity, for it has usually been associated with independence, the power of the individual and freedom, as far as economy, politics and government are concerned. It does make sense, though, since the essence of America itself is one of freedom. If one looks at history, the local people have always had to fight for independence from the totalitarian european colonialist, who used to rule the land with an iron hand.
That was pretty much the main reason for Luther’s fight. He spent a great deal of time fighting for independence and equality. It goes without saying that the civil rights of the black people were unacceptable. Having always been slaves for the white Englishmen, they were seen as mere instruments or objects. That was what Marthin Luther King fighted against for his entire life. At first he just began with peaceful protests, to which countless people would rally in order to stand up for their dignity.
The governors back at the time obviously wanted him out, for he was a dire threat to the unquestioned stability and rule of the white. Nevertheless, he achieved too great a power, meaning they would probably create a martyr by killing him. He had the greatest impact during 1963. After organising the peaceful protest in Birgminham, he gave his world-renowned speech in the Washington march: I have a dream. He described a future America in which even the most racist states would be home to people of all shapes and sizes, who would be able to enjoy a fair life without fear of discrimination or racism.
It is common knowledge that Luther’s boldness and influence are still present today. We all know that it must have taken real courage to stand up like that back at the time. But thanks to his work, we can nowadays live in at least a slightly better world. I sincerely believe that we should all follow his example. It is necessary that we fight for those things that cannot be bestowed upon us. We shouldn’t believe that our freedom and rights are a privilege we must earn. We are born with them, and NO ONE can take them away for us. Marthin Luther King always had that on mind, and acted accordingly.
Julen Sanz Carbajo dio
Now, we are going to watch the famous speech that Martin Luther King offered in Washington. You can read the whole text of the speech here, M.L.King, I have a dream, and you can also watch the youtube documents that is has attached. After that, you are asked to write a short essay, in euskara and in English, and write it on the blog.
Alegra Lencinas dio
1963an, Martin Luther Kingek beltzen bizitza kontatzen zuen hitzaldia errezitatu zuen, ez gintuzten baloratzen, pobreak eta diskriminatuak zirenez. Diskurtso hura garrantzitsua izan zen Estatu Batuetan hasiera eta amaiera markatu zuelako, kolorezko pertsonen eskubideen alde borrokan hasi zen. Bere hitzaldia “Amets bat dut” deitzen da, etorkizunean esklabo ohiak eta esklabo ohiak mahai batean elkarrekin eser zitezkeela amesten zuelako, etorkizuneko seme-alabak ez zirela azalaren kolorearen arabera epaituko, kolorearen arabera baizik. haien azalaren.bere izaeraren edukia.
June Del Carmen dio
King eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez aurrera ateratzen saiatu zelako da ezaguna. Montgomeryko autobusen aurkako boikotaren buruzagia izan zen. Washingtonerako martxa antolatzen lagundu zuen, eta bertan I Have a Dream hitzaldia eskaini zuen Lincoln Memorialaren eskailera-mailan. Gainera, Bakearen nobel saria irabazi zuen indarkeriarik gabe borrokatzeagatik.
In my opinion he did very well because everyone is used to using violence ahead of all. Also seems a litlle sad to me that he is the first person who diddn’t use violence before doing things as they should be, that is, speaking them and doing things that didn’t hurt anyone.
Chaymae Laabidi dio
I have a dream, a man who have a dream, Martin Luther King. Batuetako ministro kristaua eta aktibista izan zen. King ezaguna da eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez aurrera ateratzen saiatu zelako. He was against racism, even he did a famous speech that Martin Luther King offered in Washington to express how he was feeling. Zoritxarrez James Earl Rayk tirokatu zuen 1968ko apirilaren 4n. Baina, hori baino lehen gauza asko lortu zituen arrazakeria kentzeko Estatu Batuetan eta orokorrean munduan ere bai. Hegoaldeko Kristau Buruzagitzako Konferentziako, lehen presidente bihurtu zen. Georgia estatuko Albany hirian, segregazioaren aurkako 1962ko borroka antzuaren buru izan zen, eta 1963ko indarkeriarik gabeko protestak antolatzen lagundu zuen. Eta gauza gehiago egin zuen, munduko ikuspuntua aldatzeko eta gaiztakeria kentzeko.
Ane Varela dio
Martin Luther King was an icon of the civil rights movement. He fought for social justice through nonviolent or peaceful protest and gave one of the most legendary speeches of the 20th century: “I have a dream”.
In this passionate speech, he called for civil and economic rights and the end of racism in the United States. He not only laid all the injustices that black people had tolerated for ages on the table but also required the compliance of the promises that the government had made (such as the right to vote; for both, black and white people) one hundred years ago. He talked about so many important issues and used so many incredible words that it is difficult to write down how extraordinary his speech was in such a short summary.
In my opinion, Martin Luther King was fearless of people who wanted him to shut his mouth up and did what others weren’t brave enough to do: speak the truth. Therefore and due to the fact that he led a fight without violence, I truly believe he is a respectable person.
Martin Luther King had a dream, a very big and significant dream actually, where his children didn’t have to be treated differently because of the color of their skin. He fought, cried, called… even died for it; but he fulfilled his dream.
So, If I had to summarize in just one adjective what I think about him, his speech and his fight, it would be admirable.
Daniela Izaguirre dio
Martin Luther King, Jr. eskubide zibilen kondaira bat izan zen, arraza bereizketa amaitzeko mugimendua zuzendu zuen.
100 urte lehenago Estatu Batuetan oraindik aske ez ziren afroamerikarren esklabotza zegoen. Sufrimenduaren beteranoak ziren.
Estatu Batuek afroamerikar komunitatearekin duten zor historikoa dute oraindik ordaindu gabeko txeke baten terminoetan. Martin Luterok askatasun, segurtasun eta justizia eskubidearen aitortza osatzen du.
“I had a dream” amets arriskutsu bat zen amerikar ametsaren barnean. egunen batean, nazio hori altxatuko dela eta beren sinismenaren benetako esanahia biziko dutela uste dute egia horiek agerikoak direla.
Amets bat dut”, justizia eta berdintasunaren ametsa, zuri eta beltzen arteko anaitasuna, arraza bereizketaren oztopoak gainditzen diren ametsa, egun batean Estatu Batuetan herritar guztien askatasunaren eta eskubide berdintasunaren ametsa izan dadin. , Amerikako Estatu Batuen Independentzia Adierazpenean esaten den bezala, non esaten den “gizon guztiak berdinak izan direla” posible da.
Bere hitzaldiek eragin handia izan zuten Estatu Batuetako kontzientzia nazionalan. Bere lidergoaren bidez, eskubide zibilen mugimenduak ateak ireki zizkion aspalditik Amerikako biztanleria beltzari itxita egondako hezkuntzari eta enpleguari.
Ane Arrizabalaga dio
Martin Luther King was a kind and humble person, his goal was to achieve equality between the black and white. In his speech named “I have a dream”, he wanted everyone to be treated with respect. Besides, Martin wanted to have the chance to vote, and finally he got it after a lot of effort and sacrifice.
Years ago, when the USA was a country where racism was present in a heavy way, a black woman entered the bus. As the black person’s chairs were taken, the black woman had to sit in the black person’s chairs and the bus driver told her to go out.
To sum up, I love the way Martin Luther King thinks and the way he deals with it.
Inés Errasti dio
Martin Luther King was a black man who wanted to have the same rights for black people. He had a dream that was to have the equality for humans, for the black ones and for the white ones. The speech he did, was for the rights and respect for the black people, its unbeliable how we fought until he died for the freedom and for the rights of the black community.
I suppose, for thousand of people, that speech chainged their mind. And i believe he just wanted to be hear for the important people, like the goverment, nuns and etc.
For my point of view, this speech is inspiring and impressive for me. We saw how the lived in the USA in the past. I believe, this give an impact for the community.
Maria Iraeta dio
A clergyman (Baptist church pastor) born in the United States and
he was a lawman. He tried for the rights of blacks, especially for the right to vote.
After the bus boycott, he suffered imprisonment and beatings. August 28, 1963
He gave a historic speech during the crowded walk to Washington: “I’ve a dream!”:
that his children would play together with the white children, in equality, and live in the United States
in the most racist places. Some laws in favor of black equality were passed under his influence.
Saioa Alzas dio
Estatu Batuetako ministro kristaua eta aktibista izan zen. Beltzen eskubideak lortu nahi zituen, baina biolentziarik erabili gabe. 1963ko abuztuaren 28an, Washinton hirira joan zen hitzaldi historikoa ematera: ” I have a dream”. Bere seme-alabak, ume zuriekin jolastuko zutela Estatu Batuetako leku arrazistenetan esan zuen. 1964an, Bakearen Noble Saria jaso zuen. 1968ko apirilaren 4an hil zuten tiro batez. Lortu zuena izan zen, beltzen eskubide batzuk lortzea eta ez zuen inolako biolentziarik erabili.
Irati Fernandez dio
Martin luther Kingek pertsona beltzen eskubideak nahi zuen lortu bere herrian.1963an abuztuaren 28an hitzaldi bat egin zuen bere herritarrentzako eta esan zuen “Amets bat egin dut” eta herritarrek martin luther kingnekin oso pozik zeuden eta beltzaren eta zuriaren pertsonak eskubideak lortu zuen eta biolentzik gabe lortu zuen eta 1968an asesinatuta hil zen Martin Luther King.Nire iritzia da,oso pertsona oso langilea izan zen. Eta oso inteligentea biolentzik gabe irabazi zuen eskubideak lortzea.
Oier Bermejo dio
Martin Luther King gave a speech. In those speeches he repeatedly defended the rights of black people. That song was heard by thousands of people then and is still heard every day, because it had a great impact and still has. Five years after giving this speech, Martin Luther King was killed at the age of 39. In my opinion he did very well because everyone is used to using violence ahead of all.
Lucia Quintana Diaz dio
It’s very sad that people like Martin have ended up like this, killed. He was just fighting racism, he wanted equality. I’ve always thought that being racist doesn’t make any sense. People with another skin color, it’s just like us, they’re persons like us. I don’t know why there’s so much inequality in this respect. Martin was a good man who wanted to change the world, but to a better world, where there is no racism, which fortunately there is not as much as there was before, but it still exists. He had a dream, that black skin people have the same rights as white skin people, he dreamed of not being discriminated against by their skin color.
Unax Doyharzabal dio
M.L.King oso ospetsua egin zen eman zuen hitzaldi batekin, honen asmoa 6 helburu garrantzitsu aurrera ematea izan zen :
Helburua : eskubide zibilei buruzko lege esanguratsuak eraldatzea izan zen.
Helburua : bai beltz eta bai txuriek botoa emateko aukera izatea izan zen.
Helburua : hezkuntza sistema integratu bat izatea zen.
Helburua : etxebizitza duin bat izateko eskubidea izan zen.
Helburua : enplegu betea eta bidezkoa izatea zen.
Helburua : azkenik obra federalei buruzko programa handi bat egitea zen.
M.L.King-en famaren arrazoi nagusietako bat bere helburu guztiak lortu izatean izan zen, honek 300000 pertsona inguru batzea lortu izan zuen eta egun hura historian egun garrantzitsu bat bezala markatuta geratu zen.
Nire iritziz, M.L.King-en ausardia bermatzekoa izan zen edozein momentutan edozeinek haren kontra egin zitekeelako baina hark beti ere eskubideak defendatzen jarraitu zuen. Horrek zoritxarrez, heriotza ekarri zion hainbat aurakari bazituen horien artean talde arrazistak eta gobernuak. Usten da, FBI-ak parte hartu zuela bere hilketan.
Urko Martínez dio
Historian zehar eduki ditugu arrazakeria kasu mordoa, baina garrantzitsuena eta larrienetako afro-amerikarrak jasan zuten kasua da. Hasteko orain dela 200 urte inguru, milaka pertsona izan ziren esklabutzat hartuta gaur egungo Liberia ingurutik, ondoren Estatu Batuetaraino eramaten zituzten eta behin han egonda esklabutzat izaten zituzten. 1980ko amarkadan arraza afro-amerikarra gehiengoa zen Estatu Batuetan, ala ere, baztertuak eta gaizki tratatuak ziren. Hau da egoera perfektu bat ari zen sortzen konflikto armatu bat gertatzeko. Baina Martin-ek horrela ez zuen pentsatzen, berak nahi zuen bakarra berdintasuna zen eta bakearen bidez lortzea. Eta hori betetzeko bere bizia ere eman zuen.
Iban Fernandez dio
1892an oso razismo garatua zegoen Estatu Batuetan, non bertakoak ez zirenak, oso egoera txarretan bizi zirela. Horregatik, Martin Luther King jr sahiatu egin zen razismo hori bukatzen, esanez pertsona guztiak eskubide berdinak ditugula. Nire iritziz, M.L.K oso pertsona garrantzitsua izan zen Estatu Batuaren historioan, gehiago pertsona beltzen historioan. Gehien gustatzen zaidana da, bere mugimendu guztiak biolentzia erabili gabe egiten zituela, horrela aurrerapen handiak lortuz. Beraz, esan behar da oso bihotz oneko pertsona zela, pertsona askori lagundu zuelako, eta oso pertsona famatua izaten jarraituko du, bai pertsona beltzentzako eta bai besteentzako.
Mikel Hita dio
1955etik 1968an hil zuten arte, estatubatuar bataiatzaile ministro eta aktibista bat izan zen. Eskubide zibilen lehen aktibista eta ministroaren semea Martin Luther King Sr. afroamerikarren eskubide zibilen mugimenduaren abangoardian lan egin zuena eta Vietnamgo gerraren eta, oro har, pobreziaren aurkako protesta ugaritan aktibista gisa ere parte hartu zuena.
Martin Luther King-ek, gaztetatik eskubide zibilen aldeko aktibistak, hainbat jarduera antolatu eta burutu zituen Estatu Batuetako afrikar jatorrizko pertsonentzat boto eskubidea, diskriminaziorik eza eta beste oinarrizko eskubide zibil batzuk aldarrikatzen.
Martin Luther King, Jr.-ren hilketa XX. mendeko hiltzaile handienetako bat da.3 King Estatu Batuetako historiako eta indarkeriarik gabeko historia modernoko buruzagi eta heroi handienetako bat bezala gogoratzen da. Jimmy Carterrek hil osteko Askatasunaren Domina eman zion 1977an eta Estatu Batuetako Kongresuko Urrezko Domina 2004an. 1986az geroztik, Martin Luther King Jr. Eguna jaiegun bat da Estatu Batuetan.
Judith Dieguez Badiola dio
Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968. He is known for several reasons, for example: he tried to advance civil rights through non-violence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian faith and the non-violent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. He was also a Christian minister and activist in the United States. From 1955 until his assassination in 1968, he became the most visible spokesperson and leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
– Leader of the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott.
– He became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
– Head of the 1962 fruitless struggle against segregation in Albany, Georgia.
– He helped organize the 1963 nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama.
– He helped organize the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his famous “I Have a – Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
– On October 14, 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent struggle against racial inequality.
– In 1965 he helped organize the marches from Selma to Montgomery.
– From 1963 he became an FBI counterintelligence suspect.
– In 1964, King was sent a threatening anonymous letter, which he interpreted as an attempt to kill himself.
Before his death, King planned a national occupation of Washington, D.C., to be called the – – Poor People’s Campaign, when he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, in April. The death was followed by riots in many US cities. Many believe that James Earl Ray, the man convicted of killing King, colluded with government agents, a suspicion that persisted for decades after the shooting.
About this, I think that was a man who worked a lot to achieve his goals. He did all to support his country.
Maria Juaristi dio
Bakezaletasuna (Martin Luther King)
Martin Luther King Jr. estatubatuar ospetsua 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen Atlantan eta 1968ko apirilaren 4an hil zuten Memphisen. Bere hilketa, frankotiratzaile batengatik izan zen Lorraine moteleko balkoitik bere jarraitzaileak agurtzen ari zen bitartean.
Martin, AEBetako ministro bat izan zen eta eskubide zibilen aldeko mugimenduko aktibista ospetsua bihurtu zen. Mugimendu honen lider nagusia izan zen eta afroamerikako elizaren burua ere izan zen. Berak arraza-desberdintasunaren aurka borrokatzeagarik omen egiten zaio eta bere mugimendu ezagunena “I Have a Dream” izeneko hitzaldia izan zen Washington Hirian berrehun mila biztanle baino gehiagorekin. Hegoaldeko Kristau Buruzagitzako Konferentziako lehen presidentea ere bihurtu zen.
Nire iritziz, Martin Luther King-ek irakatsi digu lider on batek enpatia izatea funtsezkoa dela. Gainera, herrialdea batzea injustiziarik eta diskriminaziorik gabe, biztanleak motibatu eta baita inspiratu ere. Beraz, iruditzen zait giza mundurako oso baliotsua izan zela.
Jacques Exposito dio
XX. mendean, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan arrazismo asko zegoen beltzarengatik, adibidez “nigger” esaten edota Konfederatuen bandera jartzen. Horrengatik, Martin Luther King bezalako pertsona agertu zen politikan beltzen eskubideak defendatzeko. Berak esaten zuen nola zuriak eta beltzak berdinak garela eta inork ez dela gutxiago, bien artean bizi genukeela, ezkondu… Errespetua izan beste arrazekin eta horregatik jarri zen Estatu Batuen Metropolisen, Washington D.C.-en diskurtso bat egiteko arrazismoaren aurka eta nola berak ametsa daukala arrazismo dena bukatzea eta denak errespetukin bizitzea.
Aner Elorza dio
Estatu batuetan arazo handia zegoen arraza beltzeko pertsnekin, arrazakeria handia jasaten zuten. M.L king, Beltzen komunitateko pertsona garrantzitsuena izan dela iruditzen zait, eskubide asko lortu baitidu, eta horiek guztiak biolentziarik gabe. Hainbat hitzordu egin ditu, baina garrantzitsuena, Washingtonen eman zuen, ” I have a dram” izenburuarekin. Hitzordu henetan milaka jende erakarri zituen eta horren ondoren garrantzia hartzen hasi zen. Gaitasun handia zuen hitzegiteko eta horrek ate asko ireki zizikon parlamentuan, afroamerikarren eskubideen ahoa izateraino parlamentua. Merito handiak egin ditu eskubideak lortzeko eta txalotzekoa iruditzen zait.
Aitor Juaristi dio
Martin Luther King Jr. afroamerikar buruzagi eta eskubide zibilen defendatzaile nabarmena izan zen Estatu Batuetan 1950eko eta 1960ko hamarkadetan. 1929an jaio zen Atlantan (Georgia), King ministro bataiatzailea bihurtu zen eta indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaren filosofia hartu zuen Gandhik inspiratuta. . Estatu Batuetako Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduaren lidergoa funtsezkoa izan zen legegintzaldiaren aurrerapen garrantzitsuak lortzeko, hala nola, 1964ko Eskubide Zibilen Legea eta 1965eko Boto Eskubideen Legea. King ezaguna da martxoan emandako “I Have a Dream” hitzaldiagatik. Washingtonen 1963an, non arraza berdintasunaren eta herritar guztien justiziaren alde egin zuen. Indarkeriarik ezaren aldeko konpromisoa eta pertsonak bere izaeragatik, ez azalaren koloreagatik epaitzen diren munduaren ikuspegiak, mundu osoko eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokaren ikur bihurtu zuten. Tragikoki, 1968an hil zuten Memphisen (Tennessee), baina bere ondarea hurrengo belaunaldientzako inspirazio gisa bizi da berdintasuna eta justiziaren bila. Bere urtebetetzea, urtarrilaren 15a, Estatu Batuetan omendu dute Martin Luther King Jr. Eguna, komunitatearen zerbitzurako eta bere ondareari buruzko hausnarketarako eguna.
Naia Agirretxea dio
Martin Luther King, 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen, eta Estatu Batuetako ministro kristaua izan zen.1955etik hil arte, Eskubide Zibilen aldeko mugimenduko partaidea zen. Oso ezaguna egin zen eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe aurrera atera zuelako. 1964ko urriaren 14an, bakearen nobel saria irabazi zuen arrazakerien desberdintasunarengatik borrokatzeagatik.
Azken urteetan, pobreziari, kapitalismoari eta Vietnameko gerrari buruzko ikuspuntua aldarrikatzen hasi zen. Orduan, garai horretako FBIko zuzendariak erradikaltzat hartu zuen eta susmagarri bat bihurtu zen FBIrentzat. Bere bizi guztia ikertu zuten, eta ezkontzaz kanpoko harremanak grabatu eta gobernuko funtzionarioei jakinarazi zieten. 1964an, eskutitz mespretxagarri bat ailegatu zion Martin Luther Kingeri.
Hil baino lehen, Washington D.C.ko kanpaina planifikatu zuen, pobreentzako. Baina zoritxarrez, apirilean hil zuten Memphisen. Bere heriotzaren ondoren, matxinada asko egon ziren estatu askoretan. Gainera, askok esaten zuten, James Earl Rayk, (King hiltzeagatik kondenatua), gobernuko batzuekin hitz eginda zegoela, King hiltzeko. Hil ondoren, “Askatasunaren Domina Presidentziala” eta “Estatu Batuetako Kongresuko Urrezko Domina” eman zizkioten. Gainera, egun berezi bat ezarri zuten hainbat estatuetan bere ohomenez, “Martin Luther King” eguna.
– 1955eko Montgomeryko autobusen kontrako borroka
– Hegoaldeko Kristau Buruzagitzako Konferentziako lehen presidentea
– 1962ko Albany hiriko segregazioaren kontrako borroka
– 1963ko indarkeriarik gabeko protestak Alabaman
– 1963ko Washingtonerako martxa antolatu eta bertan I Have A Dream hitzaldi ospetsua eskaini zuen.
Ane Martins dio
Martin Luther King. 1929ko urtarrilaren 15a jaio zen eta 1968ko apirilaren 4a hil zen. Estatu Batuetako ministro kristaua eta aktibista izan zen. King ezaguna zen, eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez aurrera ateratzen saiatu zelako, bere kristau sinesmenean eta Mahatma Gandhiren indarkeriarik gabeko aktibismoan inspiratuta. Lehen presidente bihurtu zen. Georgia estatuko Albany hirian, segregazioaren aurkako 1962ko borroka antzuaren buru izan zen, eta 1963ko indarkeriarik gabeko protestak antolatzen lagundu zuen Birminghamen, Alabaman. 1963ko Washingtonerako martxa antolatzen lagundu zuen, eta bertan “Amets bat dut” (I Have a Dream) hitzaldi ospetsua eskaini zuen Lincoln Memorialaren eskailera-mailan. 1965ean Selmatik Montgomeryrako martxak antolatzen lagundu zuen. Azken urteetan, bere ikuspegia zabaldu egin zuen pobreziari, kapitalismoari eta Vietnamgo gerrari oposizioa barnean hartuz. Hil baino lehen, Kingek Washington D.C.ko okupazio nazionala planifikatu zuen.
1964ko urriaren 14an, Kingek Bakearen Nobel Saria irabazi zuen arrazakeriaren desberdintasunaren aurka indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaz borrokatzeagatik.
Nire uzten pertsona oso azkarra eta ausarta izan zen hau guztia egiteko, garai horretan afro amerikanoak oso gaizki trata tzen zuten. Oso ezaguna da, dena matxinadas eta indarkeriarik gabe egin zuelako. Eta berari esker, gaur egun koloreko pertsonak eskubide gehiago daukate.
Miren Epelde dio
M. Luher King, commonly known as Martin Luther King Jr., was a prominent figure in American history and a leader in the civil rights movement. Born into a society marked by social and racial segregation, he emerged as a key figure in the struggle against racial discrimination and the advancement of civil rights in the United States. In the 20th century, King’s leadership, inspired by the challenges and references of Gandhi, advocated for peace and social justice.
He mobilized the masses, particularly African Americans and the oppressed, during some of the most turbulent times in American history, using his voice and actions to demand change, organizing protests, and leading specific marches. His words and actions in the fight against segregation and for civil rights reshaped our world. Martin Luther King Jr. participated in specific civil rights campaigns and became one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, leaving a significant void in the American landscape. His legacy and leadership remain an inspiration and reference not only in the United States but throughout the world.
Jone Salgado dio
Martin 1929ko urtarrilaren 15an jaio zen Atlanta, Georgia, Estatu Batuetan. Eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokaren ikonoa izan zen Estatu Batuetan. Martinek justizia sozialaren alde borrokatu zuen protesta baketsuaren bidez, eta XX. mendeko diskurtsorik ospetsuenetako batzuk eman zituen. Baina 1998ko apirilaren 23an hil zuen frankotiratzaile batek buruan eman zionean. Hau gertatu zen bera Lorraineko balkoi batean zegoen, bere jarraitzaileei agurtzen zegoela. Orain Estatu Batuetan, omenaldia egiten zaio urtarrilaren 15ean bera gogoratzeko. Martinek lau seme-alaba izan zituen: Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott King, Yolanda King eta Bernice King.
Laura Mendez dio
Estatu batuetako ministro kristaua eta aktibista zen. King ezaguna zen eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez aurrera ateratzen saiatu zelako, bere kristau sinesmenean eta Mahatma Gandhiren indarkeriarik gabeko aktibismoan inspiratuta.
King 1955eko Montgomeryko autobusen aurkako boikotaren buruzagia izan zen, eta geroago Hegoaldeko Kristau Buruzagitzako Konferentziako lehen presidente bihurtu zen. Georgia estatuko Albany hirian segregazioaren aurkako 1962ko borroka antzuaren buru izan zen, eta 1963ko indarkeriarik gabeko protestak antolatzen lagundu zuen Birminghamen, Alabaman.
1964ko urriaren 14an, kingek bakearen nobel saria irabazi zuen arrazakeriaren desberdintasunaren aurka indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaz borrokatzeagatik. 1965ean Selmatik Montgomeryrako martxak antolatzen lagundu zuen. Azken urteetan, bere ikuspegia zabaldu egin zuen pobreziari, kapitalismoari eta Vietnamgo gerrari oposizioa barnean hartuz.
Luken Caballero dio
Nor zen MLKingJr?
Martin Luther King Jr. afroamerikar buruzagi eta eskubide zibilen defendatzaile nabarmena izan zen Estatu Batuetan 1950eko eta 1960ko hamarkadetan. 1929an jaio zen Atlantan (Georgia), King ministro bataiatzailea bihurtu zen eta indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaren filosofia hartu zuen Gandhik inspiratuta. . Estatu Batuetako Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduaren lidergoa funtsezkoa izan zen legegintzaldiaren aurrerapen garrantzitsuak lortzeko, hala nola, 1964ko Eskubide Zibilen Legea eta 1965eko Boto Eskubideen Legea.
King ezaguna da martxoan emandako “I Have a Dream” hitzaldiagatik. Washingtonen 1963an, non arraza berdintasunaren eta herritar guztien justiziaren alde egin zuen. Indarkeriarik ezaren aldeko konpromisoa eta pertsonak bere izaeragatik, ez azalaren koloreagatik epaitzen diren munduaren ikuspegiak, mundu osoko eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokaren ikur bihurtu zuten.
Tragikoki, 1968an hil zuten Memphisen (Tennessee), baina bere ondarea hurrengo belaunaldientzako inspirazio gisa bizi da berdintasuna eta justiziaren bila. Bere urtebetetzea, urtarrilaren 15a, Estatu Batuetan omendu dute Martin Luther King Jr. Eguna, komunitatearen zerbitzurako eta bere ondareari buruzko hausnarketarako eguna.
Judith Tamayo dio
Martin Luther King 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen Atlantan (Georgia, AEB). Giza eskubideen defendatzaile handia izan zen. Martin Luther King Sr. eta Alberta Williams Kingen semea. Eskola publikoetan ikasi eta 15 urterekin batxilergoa amaitu ondoren, Martin Luther King unibertsitatera joan zen. Soziologia ikasi zuen eta 1948an lizentziatura lortu zuen, gero teologian lizentziatu eta doktoretza lortu zuen, teologian ere, Bostongo Unibertsitatean. Geroago, Alabamako Montgomeryko Dexter Avenue Baptist Church-eko artzain izan zen, non eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokari ekin zion, 382 egunez autobus-lineen aurkako ekintzak zuzenduz, afroamerikar biztanleria diskriminatzeagatik. Martin Luther King afroamerikarrentzat eskubide zibil berdinak lortzeko borroka baketsu bat egiteaz arduratu zen.Haren oratorio gaitasun handiak garai hartako pertsonaia mediatiko eta eragin handienetako bat bihurtu zuen.10 urte baino gehiagoz lorpen handiak izan zituen borrokan. eskubide zibilen alde indarkeriarik gabeko jarrera eta manifestazio baketsuen bidez.
Aktibismo garaian, 1950eko eta 1960ko hamarkadetan, Martin Luther Kingek hainbat protesta gidatu zituen indarkeriarik gabeko desobedientzia zibilaren printzipioaren arabera. Horrela, eskubide zibil berdintasunaren aldeko mugimenduan ospea lortu ahal izan zuen. Bere borroken artean 1955ean burututakoa aurkitzen dugu, eskubide zibilen beste aktibista batzuekin Montgomeryko garraio enpresa bati boikota egin ostean atxilotu zutenean: zuriak ez ziren pertsonei eserlekuak zuriei uzteko exijitzen zuen eta haiek jarraituko dute. autobusaren atzealdean zutik edo eserita. 1963an beste guda zibil bat egin zuen Birminghamen, non polizia zuriek polizia txakurrekin eta suhiltzaileen mahukekin borrokatzen zuten manifestazio baketsu masiboak gidatu zituen, mundu osoko hainbat egunkaritako titularrak izan zituen polemika handia sortuz. 1963ko apirilean atxilotu zuten hirian egindako protesta baketsuek eta boikotek. Kartzelan zegoela, Luther Kingek Birminghameko espetxe ezaguna idatzi zuen. Saiakera honen barruan bere protesten zergatia azaltzen du. John F. Kennedy, orduko Estatu Batuetako presidenteak, bere idealak onartzen zituenez, bere askatasuna lortu ahal izan zuen.
Ondorengo manifestazio masiboak herri askotan 250.000 manifestari ingururekin amaitu ziren Washingtonen, DC. Han eman zuen Kingek bere “Amets bat daukat” hitzaldi famatua, non jendea berdin bizi zitekeen mundu bat irudikatu zuen, arrazaren arabera banatu gabe.
“Amets bat daukat, nire lau seme-alabak egunen batean larruazaleko kolorearen arabera epaitzen ez diren nazio batean biziko direla amets dut. Amets egiten dut egunen batean Alabaman neska-mutil beltzek neska-mutil zuriei ahizpa eta anai gisa eskutik heldu ahal izango dietela».
1964ko urriaren 14an, Martin Luther Kingek Bakearen Nobel Saria jaso zuen. 35 urte zituela, aitorpen hori jaso zuen gazteena bihurtu zen. Urte batzuk geroago, 1968ko martxoaren amaieran, Memphisera (Tennessee) bidaiatu zuen, euren lan baldintzak hobetu nahi zituzten zabor-biltzaile afroamerikarren greba laguntzeko asmoz. Zoritxarrez, 1968ko apirilaren 4an, arratsaldeko 6:01etan, Lorraine Moteleko bere gelako terrazan zegoela, Martin Luther King, 39 urte besterik ez zituela, hil zuten.
Eriet Zubizarreta dio
He worked hard to achieve peace, he was also a pacifist. he wanted to indicate what was good and what was not, based on ethics. He thought it was important to help those around him, his goal in life was to be a good person by helping others, cooperating and not doing things that others would not like. He tried to show those around him a good way to live because there are a lot of bad people in the world, but he said that if someone does something bad to you, you have to learn to forgive. It is important to treat people well and respect their rights and at the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters we all have to live together in this world and by respecting each other and helping others we can have a better life.
Libe Alberdi dio
Martin Luther Kingek txikitatik jasan zuen arrazakeria esaterako; sei urte zituela, bi lagun zurik esan zioten ez zutela harekin jolasteko baimenik bere azal kolorea zela eta. Beste hainbat arrazoiren artean horregatik, lan handia egin zuela uste dut pertsona ororen eskubideen aldeko aktibista baitzen. Batez ere afroamerikarren eskubide aldeko berdintasuna lortzeko borroka baketsua abiarazteaz arduratu zen.
Bera teologian lizentziatu zen eta bortizki aritu zen batez ere asmo arrazizten aurka. Berak bere hitzaldietan esandako esaldirik ospetsuenetako bat hurrengoa da: “Askatasunarekin amets egitea, justiziarekin amets egitea, berdintasunarekin amets egitea eta nahiago nuke haiek amesteko beharrik ez banu.” Horrekin argi erakusten digu ez dela nahikoa gauzak pentsatzea eta horrekin geratzea, zerbait lortu nahi badugu nahiz eta zaila izan horren alde pixkanaka biolentziarik gabeko borroka bat egin beharko genukeela. Hau da hitzekin esaten duguna ekintzekin aurrera ematea. Berak erakutsia ezinbestekoa izan zen eta orindik honela jarraitzen du izaten, gizaki guztiok izan beharko baikenuke eskubidea bizitza duina edukitzeko eta errespetuz tratatuak izateko arraza edo azal kolorea kontuan hartu barik.
Aritz Cabanillas dio
Martin Luther King afroamerikarra zen. 1929an jaio zen Atlantan (Georgia), King ministro bataiatzailea bihurtu zen eta indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaren filosofia hartu zuen Gandhik inspiratuta. Estatu Batuetako Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduaren lidergoa funtsezkoa izan zen legegintzaldiaren aurrerapen garrantzitsuak lortzeko, hala nola, 1964ko Eskubide Zibilen Legea eta 1965eko Boto Eskubideen Legea.
Indarkeriarik ezaren aldeko konpromisoa eta pertsonak bere izaeragatik, ez azalaren koloreagatik epaitzen diren munduaren ikuspegiak, mundu osoko eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokaren ikur bihurtu zuten.
Unai Davila dio
Amerikako artzain bataiatzailea eta zibile eskubide defendatzailea zen. 1955tik, amerikar beltzen eskubide osoa lortzeko borroka luzea azkartzen hasi zen, Martin luther king artzain gazteak askar destakatu zuen. Onek ” I Have a dream” ezaneko hitzaldi bat eman zuen, lortu zuena zen estatu batuetan arazo arrazista gutxiago egotea.
Julen dio
MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr estatubatuar bataiatzaile eta aktibista bata izan zen, eskubide zibilen figura eta liderrik ikusgarriena bihurtu zena, afroamerikar elizako buruzagi ere izan zen. Hegoaldeko kristauek gidatutako konfesioko lehen presidentea izan zen. MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen Atlantan, Estatu Batuetan, eta 39 urte zituela hil zen 1968ko apirilaren 4an.
Gari Diaz de Cerio dio
Martin Luther King famatua da bere diskursoagatikan. Diskurso bertan dio egun hori gogoratua izango dela munduko manifestazio handiena bezala. Diskurtzo hori baino 100 urte lehenago lortu zuten independentzia beltzek, libre bihurtu zituzten, esklabutzat kendu eta askatasuna emanez. Berak dio txeke bat eman zietela, baina txeke hutsa eta orain txeke hori betea nahi dutela ikusi.
Berak dio zergatik Misisipin beltz batek ezin duen botatu eta New Yorken pentsaezina iruditzen zaien beltzei boto eskubidea, zergatik beltz bat bidaia luze baten ondoren ez duen eskubiderik hotel edo motel batean lo egiteko, zergatik bere seme-alabek ikusi behar dituzten kartelak “bakarrik txuriak”, zergatik poliziak egurtzen dituen beltzak, zergatik politikari txuriak beltzak mespretxatzen ditutez… Beraiek ez zuten nahi independetzia duzuela izatea baizik eta benetan izatea.
Luther King-ek amets bat zuen bere seme alabek pertsona txurien seme-alaben lagunak izatea. Egun batean Estatu arrazista batean beltzak zein txuriak batera, gustora, pozik, lagunak izaten… bizitzea da. Berak zioen ez zela geratuko bere amets hori bete arte, txuriak zein beltzak, musulmanak zein kristauak, berdin tratatuak izan arte.
Baita ere, zioen Misisipiko Estatuan beltzak botatu behar zutela. Hurrengo generazioak elkarren artean faternidadean bizitzea zen bere ametsetako bat eta saiatu zen hura betetzen. Bere borrakari esker gaur egun ia lortua dago bere ametsa, nahiz eta beti ere badauden pertsona arrazistak beste arrazakoak mespretxatzen jarraitzen dutenak.
Luka Garate dio
Martin Luther King, 1929ko urtarrilak 15ean jaio zen. Txikitatik jasan izan zituen arrazakeria bere lagunagatik, ez zioten usten beraiekin jolasten. 1953. urtean Coretta Scottekin eskondu zen bere gurasoen lorategian, eta lau seme-alaba izan zituzten. 1954an Bautista elizako pastoral izendatu zuten. 1961ean lana egin zion pastoral izateari eta Bautista Nacional Progresista Konbentzioara joan zen beste pastoral batzuekin. Martin Luther ohartu zenean neska beltz bat atxilotu egin zutela, pertsona txuri bati autobuseko eserlekua ez lagatzearen autobusen boikota sortu zuen horren protestan. Pertsona beltzek bermatu egin zuten boikot hau. Gero Martin Luther atxilotua izen zen horregatik. Kanpainak 382 egin igaro zituen. 1968ko martxoan, Memphisera joan zen, bertan bizi ziren basurero beltzei bermatzera. eta Hilabete bat beranduago, balkoi batean James early Ray hil egin zuen tiro batekin estarrian. Hil zuena 99 urteko kartzelara kondenatua izan zen. Bere heriotzera, 300.000 pertsoba joan ziren.
Aitor Varela dio
Martin Luther King Jr, Alberta Williams King-en eta Martin Luther King-en semea zen. Bere aita, gotzain bautista izan zen, honek Michael izena zuen. Bidai batean alemanira joan zen eta izena aldatu zuen, horregaitik gaur egun Martin bezala da ezaguna. Bere semeari bere izen berbera jarri zion; Martin Luther King. Bi anai arreba izan zituen zaharrena; Christine King Farris eta gazteena Alfred Daniel Williams King. Arraza beltzekoa zenez, arrazismo soziala sufritu izan zuen. Adibidez; sei urte zituela bi lagun zituen eta bi hauek debekatua izan zuten honekin jolastea.
Atalantan, Booker T. Washington High Schoolen ikasi zuen, ondoren Morehouse College unibertsitatean soziologia ikasi zuen 1948an. Bost urte ondoren, 1953an, eskondu egin zen Coretta Scott-ekin. Hauek lau seme-alaba izan zituzten; Bernice King, Dexter Scott King, Yolanda King eta Martin Luther King III. Azken honi, bere aitak egin zuen bezala izen berbera jarri zion.
Elaia Mendizabal dio
Martin Luther King Jr. (jaiotza Michael King Jr.; 1929ko urtarrilaren 15a – 1968ko apirilaren 4a) estatubatuar ministro kristau, aktibista eta filosofo politikoa izan zen, 1955etik eskubide zibilen mugimenduko buruzagi garrantzitsuenetako bat izan zena. 1968an hilketa. Eliza beltzaren buruzagi bat eta eskubide zibilen lehen aktibista eta ministro Martin Luther King Sr.ren semea, Kingek Estatu Batuetako kolorezko pertsonen eskubide zibilak aurreratu zituen Jim Crow legeen aurkako indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentzia eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez. eta legeztatutako beste diskriminazio mota batzuk. 1964ko urriaren 14an, Kingek Bakearen Nobel Saria irabazi zuen arraza desberdintasunaren aurka indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaren bidez. Bere azken urteetan, bere ikuspegia zabaldu zuen pobreziaren eta Vietnamgo gerraren aurkako oposizioa barne. 1968an, Kingek Washingtonen, D.C., okupazio nazional bat planifikatzen ari zen, Poor People’s Campaign deitua, apirilaren 4an Memphisen (Tennessee) hil zutenean. James Earl Ray, Missouriko Estatuko Penitentziarioko iheslaria, hilketagatik epaitu zuten, nahiz eta King familiak uste duen ahuntza izan zela; hilketak konspirazio teorien gaia izaten jarraitzen du.
Khadija Essardi dio
Martin Luther King beti saiatu da munduan bakea sustatzen. Indarkeriaren aurka egon da beti arazoak konpontzeko garaian. Horregatik, beti aukeratzen dut protestak egitea mundua aldatzen saiatzeko, personak beraien eskubideak edukitzeko edozen erraza edo erlijiokoak izan arren. Uste zuen indarkeria ez dela zentzuzko irtenbidea. “I Have a Dream” hitzaldi famatua oso garrantzitsua izan zen Estatu Batuetako historian. 300.000 pertsona baino gehiago izan ziren martxa horretan. Hitzaldi horretan afroamerikarren eskubide zibil berdinak lortzeko borroka baketsuaz hitz egin zuen.Bere hizkera trebetasun handiak garai hartako pertsonaia mediatiko eta eragin handienetako bat bihurtu zuen. 10 urte baino gehiagoz lorpen handiak izan zituen zibilaren aldeko borrokan eskubideak indarkeriarik gabeko jarrera eta manifestazio baketsuen bidez.
Arett Sendino Lopez dio
Martin Luther King Jr. Estatu Batuetako historian biztanleriaren eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokan eragin handiko liderra izan zen. 1929an Atlantan jaiota, King ministro bataiatzailea bihurtu zen eta diskurtso emozional bat eman zuen. Berdintasunaren aldeko borrokak indarkeriarik gabeko protestak antolatzera eraman zuen; hala nola, 1963an Washingtonen egindako Martxa famatua, non “I Have a Dream” hitzaldi ikonikoa eman zuen. Hitzaldi honetan, Kingek pertsona guztiak berdin tratatzen dituen mundu baten ikuspegia adierazi zuen. Bere bizitzan zehar, Kingek erronka ugari egin zituen eta indarkeria eta diskriminazio asko izan zituen, baina ez zuen inoiz bere kausarengan fedea galdu. Bere ausardiak eta indarkeriarik gabeko konpromisoak mundu osoko milioika pertsona inspiratu zituzten berdintasunaren eta justiziaren aldeko borrokan bat egitera. Martin Luther King Jr.-ren bizitza 1968an, Memphisen tiroz hil zuten.
Martin Luther King Jr. In the history of the United States, he was an influential leader in the struggle for the civil rights of the population. Born in Atlanta in 1929, King became a Baptist minister and gave an emotional speech. The famous March on Washington in 1963, where he gave the iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. And finally, the life of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, when he was shot dead in Memphis.
Laida Rivero dio
Testuak bakearen eta indarkeriarik gabeko mugimenduak aztertzearen eta ulertzearen garrantzia azaltzen du, Martin Luther Kingen berdintasun eta justiziaren mezuaren garrantzia nabarmenduz. Egileak irakurleak gonbidatzen ditu printzipio horiei buruz hausnartzera eta beren pentsamenduak partekatzera saiakera-lanaren bidez.
Victoria Mendez dio
Luther King was an iconic figure in the fight for the rights of African Americans in the United States. The non-violence approach is an example of the ethics of action as a means to achieve social change. Through his leadership, King was able to mobilize people and African Americans to demand equal rights and opportunities.
His “I Have a Dream” speech is an example of a society that treats all people equally, regardless of race or skin color. Furthermore, they did not have the social defense protection that millions of people fought for their rights in peace and respect.
Martin Luther King was an exemplary leader who defended equality and non-aggression, demonstrating that through dialogue and true resistance, it is possible to change with effort and hard work. His legacy lives on today, reminding us of the guarantee of ethics and justice.
Naroa Galarraga dio
Martin Luther King was a very good person. In African-America, it has had several clashes. It inspired people around the world, using social change as a method. Martin’s ethics was based on the idea of equality of all human beings. He didn’t care about the race he belonged to, because his color was different. He always said that nothing was achieved from the point of view of violence, that for the world to be better off we should abandon violence. Martin said that justice could exist but it was not given. In the United States, the right of African-Americans was to defend civilians. Otherwise, they couldn’t get a job. In short, Martin Luther King seems to me that from him he did a great job, both with himself and with all his friends. It always helped everyone.
Zihara Iraola dio
Martin Luther King Jr 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen Atlantan eta Memphisen hil zen 1968ko apirilaren 4ean. Estatu Batuetako ministro kristau eta aktibista izan zen. Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduko bozeramaile eta buru bihurtu zen. Martin Ezaguna zen eskubide zibilak indarkeria gabe eta desobediantzia zibilik gabe aurrera ateratzen sahiatu zelako. Mahatma Gandhiren indarkeriarik gabeko aktibismoan eta bere pentsamendu kristauetan inspiratuta. Adibidez, autobusen aurkako boikotaren buruzagia izan zen eta geroago Hegoaldeko Kristau Buruzagitzako Konferentziako lehen presidentea bihurtu zen, Georgia estatuko Albany hirian segregazioaren aurkako borrokaren buru izan zen. Hil baino lehen, Washington D.C.ko okupazio nazionala planifikatu zuen, Pobreen Kanpaina deitzeko asmotan, apirilean Memphisen hil zuten. Heriotzaren ondorioz matxinadak izan ziren AEBetako hiri askotan. Hauek dira bere esaldi batzuk: “Amets bat dut, amets bakarra, amets egiten jarraitzea”. “Kezkagarria ez da gaiztoak gaiztoak izatea, zintzoen axolagabekeria baizik”.
Jon Brea dio
Martin Luther King lehengo presindete beltza izan zen Estatu Batuetakoa. Martinek afro-amerikanoen alde gauza asko egin zituen. Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduko bozeramaile bihurtu zen. Martin ezaguna da eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez aurrera ateratzen saiatu zelako, bere kristau sinesmenean eta Mahatma Gandhiren indarkeriarik gabeko aktibismoan inspiratuta. Oso ondo iruditzen zait honek egin zuena beltzen aldera, denok ditugulako eskubide berberak eta inor ez da bestea baino arraza baxuagokoa, denok berdinak gara. 1968ko martxoaren 29an sanitario beltzei laguntzera joan zen greban zeudelako martxoaren 12tik soldata altuagoak eskatuz. Motel baten egokitu zen baina handik egun batzuetara zoritxarrez James Earl Rayk tirokatu zuen 1968ko apirilaren 4ko 18:01ean.
Xabier Larrañaga dio
Martin Luther King ministro, aktibista eta filosofo Estatu Batuarra izan zen. Martin L.K jendearen eskubide zibilen defendorerik handiena izan zen bere garaian. Bere aitak afroestatu batuarren eskubideen alde borrokatu zuen eta ondoren bere semeari pasa zion testigantza, gainera Martin Luther King afroestatu batuarren elizaren liderra izan zen. Gaztetan pertsona beltzen boto eskubidearen alde borrokatu zuen. Bere eginkizunik handiena bere “I have a dream” hitzaldia izan zen. Bere hilketa XX. mendeko maldiziarik handiena izan zen. 1968 hil zuten lagunekin afaltzera zioala
Markel Alberdi dio
Martin luther king was a famous activist of the 60s, he fight so many years for the right of vote because in those times, the black people couldn’t vote because they were blacks. For other part, he fight a lot of against the people that discriminate the black people.
Oso aktibista garrantzitsua izan zen Luther KIng. Nahiz eta bere aitaren legatua segika egon oso ongi egin zuen bere lana eta arraza beltza zuenak bizitza normala egiteko eta boto eskubidea edukitzeko.
Nire aburuz, martin Luther kin oso pertsona garrantzitsua izan zen mundu osorako, bera ez bazen egon, gaur egun arraza beltzeko gendeak txakur batzkk bezala izango ziren. Eta gendeak asko diskriminatuko zituzten.
Amaia Sudupe dio
Martin Luther King 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen, eta 1968ko apirilaren 4an hil zen. He was a nice and good person. He inspired a lot of people around the world using it as a method of social change. Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduko bozeramaile eta buru bilakatu zen. King is known for trying to advance civil rights through non-violence and civil disobedience. Gizaki guztiek berdintasunaren ideian oinarritzen zen bera, arrazak, koloreak ezer erek ez zitzaion inporta. Indarkeriaren alde ez zegoen ezta ere, indarkeria ez dela bidea eta horrekin ez dugula ezer ere lortzen. Justiziak ez direla soilik jota lortzen, hori uste zuen berak. 1968ko martxoaren 29an, Mempshisera joan zen, sanitario publikoetako langile beltzei laguntzera. Soldata altuagoak eta tratu hobea lortzeko asmoarekin. Zoritxarrez, motelaren bigarren solairuko balkoian zegoela, James Earlek tirokatuta hil egin zen.
Martin Luther Kingek, lan asko egin zuen beste adiskidengan gauzak aurrera joateko, laguntzen aritzen zen beti. Ez zuen merezi tirokatuta hiltzerik, ezer txarrik egin ez zuelako, eta biolentzia ez delako gauza ona.
Ainhoa Arregi dio
Martin Luther King Estatu batuetako kristaua eta aktibista izan zen. Eskubide Zibilen Mugimenduko bozeramaile eta buru agerikoena bilakatu zen. King oso ezaguna da mundu osoan eskubide zibilak indarkeriarik gabe eta desobedientzia zibilaren bidez aurrera ateratzen saiatu zelako. Bera Mahatma Gandhiren indarkeriarik gabeko aktibismoan inspiratu zen.
1963an 200.000milioi pertsonen aurrean esan zuen “amets bat dut” “amets egiten dut nazio hau altxatuko den egunarekin gizon guztiak berdinak direla dioen egia agerikoaren arabera bizitzeko”. Hil baino lehen, Kingek Washington D.C.ko okupazio nazionala planifikatu zuen, Pobreen Kanpaina deitzeko asmotan. Nire iritziz Luther King oso eredu ona da bizitzan eta oso miresgarria iruditzen zait berak egindako lan guztia.
Ander Mugica dio
Martin Luther King 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen. Afroamerikarren eskubide zibilen mugimenduaren abangoardian lan egin zuen eta aktibista gisa ere parte hartu zuen Vietnamgo gerraren eta, pobreziaren aurkako protesta ugaritan. Horregatik, Premio Nobel De La Paz eman zioten 1964an. Lau urte geroago, bere lana gerraren aurka eta pobreziaren aurkako borrokara bereziki zuzenduta zegoen garaian, Memphisen hil zuten, lagunekin afari batera joateko prestatzen ari zela. Martin Luther King is remembered as one of the greatest leaders and heroes in American history, and in the modern history of nonviolence. In my opinion Martin Luther King is a hero and it is clear that this world needs more people like him.
Maren Gogorza dio
Klase ertaineko familia batean, Martin Luther King Jr. 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen Atlantan (Georgia). Gaztetatik nabarmendu zen akademikoki eta 19 urterekin unibertsitatean graduatu zen. Ondoren, teologia ikasi zuen Bostonen eta filosofian doktoretza lortu zuen Bostongo Unibertsitatean. King ministro baptista bihurtu zen eta estatubatuar eskubide zibilen mugimendua zuzendu zuen. Arraza berdintasunaren aldeko borrokarik gabeko borrokak Montgomery-n autobusen boikota burutzera eraman zuen 1955ean eta Southern Christian Leadership Conference-ren sortzaileetako bat izatera. 1963an, bere “Amets bat dut” hitzaldia Washingtoneko agerraldian eskubide zibilen mugimenduaren ikur bihurtu zen.
Irati Larrañaga dio
Martin Luther King was a very good and kind person. He has fought many battles in Afro-America. He inspired a lot of people around the world, using it as a method of social change. Martin didn’t care what race or color he was, because his ethics were based on the equality of all human beings. According to him, nothing was achieved through violence, he wanted peace. He was in favor of justice, but nothing was solved by fighting. Before his death, he planned a national occupation, which he planned to call the Poor People’s Campaign. In my opinion, King is a very exemplary and admirable person, for all the work he has done throughout his life.
Mara Alberdi dio
Martin Luther King Jr.ren bizitza apartekoa izan zen. Estatu Batuetako afroamerikarren eskubide zibilen aldeko borroka benetan eragingarria izan zen. Gandhik bezala, Martin Luther King Jr.-ek berdintasuna eta justizia defendatzen zituen metodo baketsuen bidez, hala nola indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentzia eta protesta ez-biolentoa. Bere “I Have a Dream” hitzaldi ospetsuaren lekuko da jendea bere izaeragatik eta ez azalaren koloreagatik epaitzen den mundu baten ikuspegiaren erakusgarri. Arraza berdintasunaren aldeko borrokan izandako ausardiak ondare iraunkorra utzi dute historian. Bera buruzagi karismatikoa eta errukitsua izateagatik zen ezaguna. Justiziari eta berdintasunaren aldeko pertsona bat zen, eta beti bilatu zuen aldaketa modu baketsuan sustatzeko bideak. Komunikatzeko gaitasun handia zuen eta baita jendea eskubide zibilen aldeko borrokan batzera bultzatzeko ere. Lider gisa egindako lanaz gain, familiarekiko eta gizon jatorra zen. Bere emazteari eta seme-alabekiko dedikazioa nabaria zen bere bizitza pertsonalean. Orokorrean, Martin Luther King Jr. berdintasunaren alde konprometitutako pertsona ausarta eta errukitsua izan zen. Bere ondareak jende asko inspiratzen jarraitzen du gaur egun.
Imanol Bastida dio
Martin Luther King izena zuen eta Estatu Batuetako Atlanta hirian jaioa zen 1968ko apirilaren 4an. Bere eskubide zibilen alde eginiko lana izugarria izan zen eta afroamerikar elizako eta Martin Luther King Sr.-ren lehen semea zen. Seme gazteak, lan handia egin zuen arrazismoaren aurka biolentziaren erabilerarik gabe eta horregatik, bakearen Nobel saria lortu zuen 1964an. Lau urte geroago, 1968an, tiro baten bidez hil egin zuten Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Memphis hirian. Bere diskurtsurik onena, I have a dream izan zen eta Washington hirian eskaini zuen. Bestalde, arraza beltzeko pertsonen boto eskubidea lortzeko izugarrizko ahaleginak egin zituen. Martin Luther King Estatu Batuetan eman zen hilketarik gogorrenetariko bat bezala hartuta dago eta maitasun handiarekin lotzen da Estatu Batuetako lehendakari ohia. Gaur egun, bere jaiotza eguna, urtarrilaren 15a jai eguna da Estatu Batuetan 1986 urtetik.
Luken Caballero dio
Martin Luther king estatubatuar eskubide zibilen liderra eta arraza justizia sozialaren defendatzailea izan zen. 1929an, Atlantan (Georgia).
Martinek indarkeriarik eza eta erresistentzia baketsua sustatu zituen arraza diskriminazioari eta desberdintasunari aurre egiteko baliabide gisa. 1963an egin zuen “Amets bat daukat” hitzaldi ikonikoa bere berdintasunaren eta senidetasunaren ikuspegiaren ikur bihurtu zen. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) erakundearen sortzailekidea izan zen eta protesta, martxa eta boikot baketsuetan parte hartu zuen.
Indarkeria eta oposizioa izan arren, Kingek indarkeriarik gabeko konpromisoari eutsi zion.
1968an hil zuten Memphisen, Tennessee. Bere ondareak aktibistaren belaunaldiak inspiratu ditu eta justiziaren eta berdintasunaren ikuspegiak gaur arte iraun du.
Gorka Espìnoza dio
The “I Have a Dream” speech is one of the defining moments of the civil rights movement in the United States and an iconic address in the history of racial equality activism. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered this speech on August 28, 1963, in Washington D.C., during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
In his speech, King began by acknowledging the significance and symbolism of the historic moment, noting that they were in the nation’s capital to remind the federal government of the urgency of addressing racial discrimination and injustice.
King articulated his vision of a future where racial equality and justice were a reality in the United States. He used powerful and evocative rhetoric to describe his dream of a nation where people would be judged by their character rather than the color of their skin. He employed vivid metaphors and biblical references to illustrate his point and captivate the audience’s attention.
In a memorable moment of the speech, King proclaimed his dream of seeing children of all races playing together and sharing brotherhood. He appealed to the core values of American democracy and pointed out the irony that, despite the promise of equality contained in the Declaration of Independence, the reality for many African Americans was still one of institutionalized segregation and discrimination.
King called for unity and solidarity among all people, regardless of race, and emphasized the need to stand together in the fight for freedom and justice. His speech resonated across the country and beyond, becoming a powerful symbol of the struggle for civil rights and a call to action to move towards a future of equality and dignity for all Americans.
June Aguado dio
Martin Luther King 1929ko urtarrilaren 15ean jaio zen eta 1968ko apirilaren 4an hil zen. Martin Estatu Batuetako ministrokristaua eta Aktibista izan zen. Gainera, king 1955eko Montgomeryko autobusen aurkako boikotaren buruzagia izan zen, eta geroago Hegoaldeko Kristau Buruzagitzako Konferentziako lehen presidente bihurtu zen. Aipatzekoak dira gizon honek jasotako zariak, hala nola, 1964ko urriaren 14an, Kingek Bakearen Nobel Saria irabazi zuen arrazakeriaren desberdintasunaren aurka indarkeriarik gabeko erresistentziaz borrokatzeagatik. Azkenik, hil baino lehen, Kingek Washington D.C.ko okupazio nazionala planifikatu zuen, Pobreen Kanpaina deitzeko asmotan, apirilean Memphisen, Tennessee, erail zutenean. Heriotzaren ondoren matxinadak izan ziren AEBetako hiri askotan. Eta nire iritziz oso pertsona ona eta aipatzekoa izan zen.